1872 Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks (Mixellany)
a/id' Liqueurs. 81 maiden-hair fern (Adiantum pedatum), infused in 2 pints of boiling water ; strain ; add 5 pints clari- fied syrup ; pour the boiling syrup over 2 oz. more of maiden-hair ; re-infuse for two hours, and again strain. Syrup of Cream, for Travelling. —Equal quanti- ties of pounded loaf-sugar and cream, well mixed; bottled and closely corked and sealed in 2 oz. wide-mouth phials, so as to only open sufficient enough for a meal. Syrup of Rose. —Use of damask-rose petals, 12 oz. ; refined sugar, 31bs.; boiling water, 1 \ pint; rectified spirit, 2J fluid oz. ; macerate the rose petals in the water for 12 hours ; filter ; evaporate in a water bath to 2 quarts ; add the sugar; strain clear; when cold, add the spirit. Syrup of Citric Acid. —1 oz. of citric acid dissolved in 1 oz. of water ; tincture of lemon-peel, 30 drops ; well mix ; add 1 pint of syrup. Syrup of Violets. —Macerate 1 Jib. fresh violet flowers, free from stalk, in 1 pint distilled soft water, for two days, closely covered; then press, strain, filter clear ; add 21bs. of sugar ; boil to a syrup ; when cool, add 11 fluid oz. of spirit. Syrup of Ginger. —To tincture of ginger, \ fluid oz., add clarified syrup, \ pint. 6
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