1872 Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks (Mixellany)
Novels a t T w o Shillings.— Continued . BY AUTHOR OF " WHITEFRIARS. "
Caesar Borgia . | Whitefriars .
Whitehall . | Owe n Tudor .
SMOLLETT . Roderic k Random . Humphrey Clinker . Peregrin e Pickle .
Tom Jones . Josep h Andrews . Amelia .
Wild Sport s in the Captai n O'Sullivan . West .
Luck is Everything . Storie s of Waterloo . Captai n Blake . • f The Bivouac . Floo d and Field .
Wild Sport s and Ad- venture s in th e Highlands .
Hecto r O'Halloran . Storie s of the Penin - sular War .
Cousi n William . Man of Many Friends . Passio n and Principle . The Wido w and the Marquess . Gurne y Married . BY G. P . R. JAMES. Fores t Days ; or , Robin Hood . The Forgery . The Gentlema n of the Old School . The Gipsy . Gowrie ; or , Th e King' s Plo t Heidelberg . Henr y Masterton . John Marsto n Hall . The King' s Highway . Leonor a D'Orco . Morle y Ernstein . My Aun t Pontypool . Henr y of Guise . The Jacquerie .
Jack Brag . Maxwell . Cousi n Geoffry . Merton . Peregrin e Bunce .
Gilber t Gurney . The Parson' s Daugh - • ter . All in the Wrong . Father s and Sons . Gervas e Skiimer .
The Man-at-Arms . Mary of Burgundy . The Old Dominion . One in a Thousand . Phili p Augustus . Richelieu . The Robber . Rose D'Albret . Russell . Sir Theodor e Brough - ton. The Smuggler . The Stepmother . A Whim and Its Con- sequences . The Woodman .
Agincourt . Arabell a Stuart . Arra h Neil .
, Attila .
Beauchamp . The Blac k Eagle . The Brigand . Castelneau . The Castl e of Ehren - stein. Charle s Tyrrell . The Convict . Darnley . Delaware . De L'Orme . The Fals e Heir .
Published by George Routledge and Sons.
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