1872 The Gentleman's Table Guide (2nd edition)
3^__-PUNCH & THE PROCESS, jjO make liot punch, half pint of rum, half pint brandy, quarter lb. refined sugar, 1 ft'esh lemon, half teaspoonful of nut- men- pintanda halfofboiling ^'ater. Process: Kub theĀ°8uo-ar orer the lemon until it has absorbed all the yeUow part of the skin; then put the sugar into a punch bowl, add the lemon yGXZQjreefrom pips and mix these two ingredients well together; pour over them the boiling water; stir well to gether; put the spirits in a metal jug, and stand it in boiling water to make hot, add the rum, brandy, and nutmeg; mix thoroughly, and the
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