1872 The Gentleman's Table Guide (2nd edition)
30 The Gentleman's Table Guide.
No. 45.-LEM0N SYRUP. JAKE 2 pounds ofloafsugar,2 pints ofwater, 1 oz. of citric acid, half draehin of essence of leraon. Process: Boil the sugar and water together for a quarter ofan hour,and put it into a basin, where let it remain till cold. Beat the citric acid into powder, mix. the essence of lemon with it, then add these two ingredients to the syrup; mix well, and bottle for use. 2 tablespoonsful of the syrup are sufficient for a tumbler of cold water, and will be found a very refreshing summer drink. No. 46.-THE YACHTMAN'S EARLY MORN. glasses of sherry, the yolks of 2 eggs, a teaspoonful of powdered sugar, a little grated nutmeg, small knobs of block ice. Shake well in ajug till well mixed. No. 47.-THE MORNING REFRESHER. bottle of iced soda or seltzer with half a pint of new milk. No.48.-C0NCENTRATED TINCTURE OF LEMON PEEL !HIS combination of the concentrated tinc ture of leraon peel with the solution of pure lemon acid forms an exact substitute
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