1872 The Gentleman's Table Guide (2nd edition)
34 The Gentleman's Table Guide. -
Tills is a most excellent etomacliic "wheE taken pure in small quantities, or it may be diluted with, water. Make this in March. Gin substituted for brandy is very good—orange gin. No. 57.-KIRSCHWASSER. f^pSAKE half pint"pale Kentish cherry juice, 4lbs. bruised cherry stones, 1 quart fine old Hollands; macerate for 21 days; filter No. 58.-CREME DE NOYEAU. g^pSAKE 4 ounces of apricots, 4 ounces of peaches, 2 ounces prune kernels, 3quarts proof brandy, very pale, 2 lbs. white sugar candy dissolved in 1 quart of distilled water; add 1 gill oforange-flower water; filter as above. No. 59.-T0 MAKE ONE GALLON OF LOYAGE. ^l^ALF drachm of the oil of nutmeg, half drachm of the oil of cassia,1 scruple of the oil ofcarraway in a gill of rectified spirits, shake it well up in a bottle, add 1 quart more spirits, 60 o.p.; dissolve 2lbs. of loaf sugar in distilled water to make quantity; filter as above. through a jelly bag.
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