1872 The Gentleman's Table Guide (2nd edition)
The Gentleman's Table Guide. 4i
stir -vvith a spoon. A tcaspoonful of port wine on the top has a very pretty effect. The water is to dissolve the sugar candy. Sherry or port as No. 74,with the addition of grated nutmeg on the top. No. 75.—AMERICAN MILK PUNCH. PSE a soda-water glass. 1 tablespoonful of powdered sugar or candy, 1 wineglass of water, 1 wineglass of brandy, half do. of rum, one-third of a tumbler of shaved ice; shake well, and fill up wuth milk; grated nutmeg on the top. Insert 2sti'aws. No. 76.-SC0TCH WHISKEY SKIN. fgSE a small tumbler. Wineglass of whiskey, 1 piece of lemon peel; fill up with boiling water. [gSE a tumbler. Tablespoonful of powdered sugar or candy, half wineglass of water, quarter of a lemon, 1 glass of brandy; fill the tumbler two-thirds full of ice; shake well. Any other spirits can bo used, or oranges in the place oflemon. No. 78.-BEER SANGAREE. |SE a soda-water glass. 1 teaspoonful of powdered sugar or candy dissolved in a tablespoonful of water, a small quantiiy No. 77.-BRANDy SOUR. (sometimes called a beandy fix.)
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