1872 The Gentleman's Table Guide (2nd edition)
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As a supplementary note, ■witliout which some readers might scarcely think my Tabioe Guide was complete, I may refer to a practice which, though only occasionally adopted in this country, appears to be growing in the appreciation of connoisseurs, whowithout the ambition to be xegardedsLS^oiwrneis, are yet recognised as authorities in gastronomic art. I allude to the seiwice of small dinners with only a few recherche dishes, where wine of the same character is alone provided throughout: wine in accordance with the viands, and^vithout any abrupt transition from one description of vintage to another. To speak in general terms, no admixture of Red and White Wines, or of Red and White Viands, .is; admitted at these little banquets; so that as Red Wines go with Red Meats and White Wines with White Meats, I may conveniently speak of them as RED AND WHITE DINNERS. Some of the most fastidious promoters of this elegant and satisfactoiy mode of serving a repast, go to the extreme length of forbidding the intro duction of any but related wines : that is to say, wines of different gi-owths, but the product of. one district or of one wine-growing province. Such as Note.— I recommend the New Cabinet Machine epcoially designed for funnily nse, Clubs, OfEcers' Messes, &c. lUustratod Catalogues with fall information post free. ANoi-o-AMEiacAN Aerated Water j- COMPASY, 1, Chandf.s Street, Strand, London.
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