1872 The Gentleman's Table Guide (2nd edition)
HOOES AND MOSELIiliS (Still and SparkUng).
Per Pct doz. doz. pints. , qts. 12/- 21/- 17/- 30/- 20/- 36/- 27/- 48/- 30/- 54/- 12/- 21/- 17/- 30/- 27/- 48/. 30/- 54/- 30/- 54/- 27/- 48/- 24/- 42/- 21/- 36/- Pcr Per gall. doz. 20/- 42/- 17/- 36/-
r. Still Hoct Niersteiner
j/O 2/6 3/- 4/- 4/6
2. 3. 4. 5.
Rudcshcimcr,Hockbcimcr ...
Diebfraumilch Marcobrunn
0. Steinwcia in jars, from 30/- to 60/- ia'.rf.£s»j7v-.o.5o/- 1. sailMoselle. .Moselle Muscatel 2. Braunebcrgcr 3. Griinhauscr 4. Scharzbergcr I.
1/9 2/6 4/- 4/6 4/- 3/6 3/-
Hockand Moselle,ist quality...
D o. do. Do. do. Do. do.
do. 2nd"do. do. 3rd do. do. cheap
SPIRITS. Brandy(Pale or Brown). Descriptio.v. 1. Hennessy's, Martell's, and other sbipncrs(our own bottlirg)
3/6 3/- 4/6 s/- 6/-
2. La Grancc Marque,our own bottling 3. Hennessy's or Martell's, one star (•) 4. Do. do. two stars(••} 5. Do. do. three stars(•••) 6. La Grande Marque,Carte Bleue 7. Do. do. Carte Jaune 8. Do. do. Carte Rose ... 9. Do. do. Carte Blanche Gin. 1. Burnett's best(Sweetened or Unsweetened) 2. Menzies Diysdale's do. do 3. De Kuyper s Geneva or Hollands Rum.
54/- 60/. 72/. 48/- S4/- 60/- 72/- 30/- 24/- 36/- 42/. 48/- 54/-
4/6 t 2/6 2/. 3/-
14/- 12/-
1. Superior Old Rum 2. Fine do. do. 3. Finest do. do.
3/6 4/- 4/6
20/- 23/- 26/-
1. Finest Old Scotch 2. Finest Old Irish
20/- 20/-
42/- 42/-
3/6 (Special Cheap quotations for Young Whiskeys.)
3. Kinaban's LL.and DunviUe's V.R.Whiskey
LlqueuTB. i t - All descriptions of Foreign or English made Liqueurs at usual market pnces. Punoh. Partridge s Royal Rum Punch,(made with the greatest care 1 -yg , from the choicest ttig-reat'enls) ' Terms—Cas/i less 2J/crcent,discount, or London re/ereftce. BOTTLES AND CASES,EXCEPT ORIGINAL PACKAGES,CHARGED EXTRA,nUT ALLOWED FOR WHEN RETURNED.^ All Packages sent Carriage Paid to any Railway Station in England.
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