1876 Bar-Tender's Guide by Jerry Thomas

Popular BookssentFree ofPostage at the Prices annexed. Bay's Book-keeping Without a Master.' Containing tho Budimcntsof Book-keeping in Singlo nntl Double Entry,together with tho proper Forms and Bnlos lor opening and keeping CondenBod and General Book Accounts. Tbb? work is printed in a lieantiful Kcript tvpe, and henco combines tho ndrantapcs of a handsome Btylo of writing witli its very sim- plo and easily imderstttod lessons in Book-keeping. Ii presents a./ac.-simil4 of ft handeoracly written set of account hooks—on a small scale, it is true, bnt very neat and pretty. This will ciiablo tho learner to iinprovo Ida hand-writing, while perfecting himself as an expert,or first-class ncconnt- ant—which'is done by frequciit pr.acticc. Tho book exhibits all the dilTer- cntforms of Acconnts, Bnlanco Sheets, Trial-Balance, Commercial and ihlonctary Letters, Drafts, Xotcs, Credits, Orders, Inoairics, lloplie.s, etc., etc., arranged in tho script typo exactly as they shoulit be written for busi ness puiposes. This featuro'makes tho work invaluablo as ft book of refer ence. Tho sererol pages haye explanations at tho bottom,to assist tho learner, in small type. As a pattern for opening book-aceounts it is especi- nlly Vftiuable—particularly for those who arc not well posted in the art. Day's BooK-fTKEPiNo is tho sizo of a regular miarto Account Book, and is made to lie flat open,for couvcnieuco in use, Price 50 Cts. Blank Books for Day's Book-keeping. Wo haro for salo Books of 96 pages each,ruled according to the pattcnis mentioned on ptxpo 3of Day's Book-kkei'INO, stiitahlo for practice of tho learner, riz.: 1— For General Book-keeping, pages 4 and 5; furC^ash Account on page 13; for Day llook in Single Entry, pages l.'itoS.K !No2-—I'or Condensed Ac counts, pages9 and 10; for Cash Acconnte, page 1-; for Jouimnl in Douldo Entry, pages 31 to 43. E'o. 3—For Ledgers in Doublo or binglo Eutry, page's26 to 44. Fricc, each ; 50 CtS- How to Write a Composition. This original Tvork will 1)0 found a yaluablo aid in writing a comTOsition on any topic. It lays down plain directionsfor tho division ofa punject intoits appiDpriute hcnas, and for arrangingthcin in their natural order, coinmencing with thesimplest themo and advancing progressively to tho treatment of more complicated Eubjccts. Tho nso of this excellent hand-book will save tho student tlio many hours oflabor too often wasted in trying to write a plain coinpositiou. It afrords a perfect skeleton of cacli subjc'ct, w ith its headings or divisions clearly defined, and each heading filled in with tho ideas which tho subject euggcsts; so that all tho writer 1ms to do,in order to produco a good com position, is to enlarge on thorn to suit his taste and inclination. Jkjund in boards, cloth back. Price 50 Cts. Hueent'sBurlesque and Musical Acting Charades. Contain ing ten Charades, all in diflTerent styles,two ofwhich ore easy and effective Comic Parlor Operas, with hlusio and J'ianororte Accompanimcuts. "Ihcso Plays TCquiro no sconerv, and the dinlognc is short, witty,and easy to Icani. To'each Cliarado will b'e found an introxluctory note,containing hints for its performanco. Paper cover. Price In Bound in boards,doth back - 50 Ctfi- Snipsnaps and Snickerings of Simon Snodgrass. funny and amnsingstories areillustrativeofInshDrolleries,LutUcronsDutch Blunders, Yankee Tricks and Dodges,Backwoods Boasting, Comi calities, Perilous Pranks of Fighting ]ilen, Frencbraen's Queer Mistakes, and other phases of eccentric charncterto make a complete MeiUey of and nuinDr. Full offunny engravings. Price Cts. The Strange and Wonderful Adventures ofBachelor But terfly Showin"- his Hairbreaclth Escapesfrom lire and cold— Us being come over by n Widow irith nine small cbildren—and his lira endurance of Iboso and other perils of a eitraordmary nature. Tho "Whole iUustratcd by about 200 engm"viBg3. Pnce oO Ctfl-

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