1876 Bar-Tender's Guide by Jerry Thomas

Popnlar Boota sent Frea of Postage atthe Prices annesciL The Art and Etiquette of Making Love, a Miimial ofLovo, Coiirtsilip and Mnlriiuony. Contmiiiiig sensible advice in relation to all the (Iclieiite situatiiuiH and perplexiiii? eircuinsianccs incidental to the tender passion from the eommenceinent of a courtship uulil after lunrdagc; to- pethor with tlie duties to be fallilled and the points of etiquette to bo ob served by bridesmaiiis and groomsmen, and all other details of the wedding ceremony; with many curious things concerning matrimony and its consequences; including a complete system oflove telegraphy and hand kerchief flirtations, and a clioico collection ofsensible letters,suitable for nil the contingencies of love and cmirtship; also, practical remarks on bashful- nes.s, its prevention and cure. Ifyouug ladies or gentlemeu wantio kjiow: How to care bajih/ulneifs, How to commence a courtship. How to carrp oa a handkerchiefflirtation, How to please a sweetheart or lover, How the etiquette ofa wcddinn and the after reception shouldhcobserved. And in fact,hotv to fiiUill eveiy tlnty,and meetevery contingoncy connected "witli courtship and matrimony, they ^vill find it all clearly explained in this book. Largo IGmo., 17() pages, paper cover. Price 30 Cts. Pound in boards, cloth back. Price 50 CtS. The Amateur Trapper and Trap-Maker's Guide. A com- Slete and carofnily prepnred treatise on the art of Trapping. Snaring and letting; c<»Mtaining luaiii directions for constructing the nmstapproved Traps. Siuire.s. Mets, and "Dead-rails; the best methods ofapplying thorn to their various purposes; and tlio most Biicccssful Jlaitsfor nitrntting all kinds of Animals,liirds. l"cc., with tlieir speeifd usesin enc-h ease; introducing,also, practical receipts for preparing Skins and Pursfor Market,and for Tanning them for future use; with cotid.se bnt coinprehousive instructions for Pre- BCrving and vStiifling Rpecimens of Birds and A uinialtin tliemost naturul and durable manner. The entire work is based on Ibe esitericnce of the ino.'Jt successful Traitpers, and on infitrmation tlcri\ed from otbrr authentic pn)- fessional sources. By Stanley Harding, This comprehensive work is etnbcllislied with fifty well drawn and engraved illustratituia; and these, together witli tho clear explanniions which accompany thorn, will enable aijvbody of ino'lorate comprebensUm to make and set any of the traps do- scribed. It also gives the baits usunlly employed by the most snecessinl Hunters and Trapper.s. and exposes their secwt methoila of nttraetiiig and catcliing animals,birds, &c., with scarcely a possibility of failure. Largo ICmo.,papercovers. Price 50 cts. Bound in Wards,cloth back,. 75 Cts. Very Little Dialogues for Very Little Folks. Containing foi-tv Bovpn lion- mill oridmil (linlninios, Bliort and eiisy rnHs almost rntiVeh- in wnnlti of one Bvlliililc;, suiled to thu cnpaeity and coiiiiin-Ucnsioii of vorv vomin- oliildrnn. "This work1msIwonissued liccaiisa it was doimiiulca bv thoiisands ofiiavcnts and toaeiiora wbo liavc iong fait tin!imed pt such a b'ook There aro iiienty of little boys and piris wiiQ want to speak a okme"and iiere is a Imnk fnii of exactly wlmt tlioy reuuiro-sliort uud easy Siuio''ues. mado up of sliort, easy parts, on siilijeets th.nt tlicir little imnds can tliorouirhlv tiuder.staiid,bo that the speakers will find no ditrieulty iii Smmittiu^heir res,.ect.ire.parts to memory,even botoro they have learned to rend. Paper cuvorR. PricQ rr g"cjs* Bound in boards, cloth back........ ...ou cw. .How to write a love-letter, How to "pop the question, Howfo act before and after aproposal, How to accipt or reject apro2)osal, How to break of an engagement. How to act after an engagement, Ifow to act as bridesmaid or groomsman.

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