1876 Bar-Tender's Guide by Jerry Thomas

Popular Soote sent Froo of Postago at the Pric:9 snnozei Uoward's Book of Drawing-Room Theatricals. A colloo, tion of tTveWe fUortand amusing plays in one act end one scone,apocially adaptt-d lor priv.ate pcrformuncos; wiLl\ practical directions, lor Iheii tOr..'paratiou and management. Somo of the plays arc adapted tor pcr- iormersof one Bo:t only. This book is just rvhat is wanted by those wlio purposo getting up an entertainment of private theatricals: it contains all •the necessary instraetions for insuring complete success. 180 pages. Paper cover. Price 30 cts. dBouud in bairds'with cluth back 60 ctSi Hudson's Private Theatricals for Home Performance. A • vollection ofIlumormis Playssuitablefor an Amateur Entortaimncnt, ■with directions how to ctirry out a performance succosslully. Some of tho plays mthis collection arc adapted for performance by males only, otliers require only females for the cast, and all of them are in ono scene and ono act, and may be i-cprcsonted in any inodorjito sized parlor, without much prcpara^ tion of costume or scenery. 180pages. Paper covers. Price - 30 ct^ 13ound iuboards with clothback 50 cts* The Art of Dressing' Well. By Miss .S. A. Frost. This book is designo^l tor ladies and gentlemen who desire to make a lavorablo imprcH-sion upon Kocioliy, and is intended to incot tho requirements of any season,place, or time; to otl'or such suggestions a-s will bt: valuable to those .just enteringsociety; to bridc.s, for whoso guidance a cornploto trousseau ij described; to pci'son.siii mourning;iudecd, to every individual who paya attention to tho important objects of economy, style, and propriety of cos tume. ISS pages. Paper covers. Price : 30 ct9 Boundin boards, cloth back 50 cts How to Amuse anEvening Party. A coiuploto colloction of Home Recreations, including Round Gainer, Forfeits, Parlor Magic, Puzzles, andComic Diversions; together with a great variety of Scientitki Recreations and Evening Amusemcuts. Profusely illustrated with nearly two hundred fine woodcuts. Ilere i» family amusement lor the million. Xloro is parlor or drawiug-rooin entcrtitinment,night after night, lor a •whole •winter. Ayoungman with this volume may render himself the beav uleai of a delightful companion at every party. He may take the lead in amusing tho company, an

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