1876 Bar-Tender's Guide by Jerry Thomas

Popular Booka soat Prao of Postaga at the Prices anaeseS. Spayth s Draughts or Checkers for Besrinners. Being a corcprohensive Guide for those who desire to Icara the Game This trcatiso was written by Hknry Si-AYin, the celebrated player, and is bv far tho mostoomplete and mstructivo elementary work on Di-auehtsever published. It is protu.sciv illustrated With diagrams of iiigenious strata-'em.s, curious positions, and perplexing problems,and contains a great vancly of inter- e.jtiug and.instructive Games,progiessively arranjretl and clearly explniiK-d 1 learner may easily comprehend them. "With U.o aid ot thi3 valunblo Manual,a bcf^inner may soon master the theory of C heckers,and will only require a littlo practice to become proficient in tlio Game. Cloth, gilt side. Price 75 Cti' The Reason ISThy of General Science, A careful coUeoi tion of Eomc thousands of Reasons for things, which, though generally "^Pcrtbctly understood. Being a book of Condensed Sci entific Knowledge. It 13 a complete Encyclopedia of Science; and pei- Bons who have never had tho advantage of a liberal education may,by tho aid ot tins yolumo,acquire kuowlodge which the study of vears only would impart m the ordinary coiu-sc. It explains cvervthing in Science that can be tliouglit of, and the whole is aiTangcd with a full index. A largo vol ume ot 310 pages,bound iu muslin,gilt, and illustrated with nuiuerou-s wood-cuts. Price SI 50 Ce Walden's Ball-rooni Companion; or, Dancing Made Easjj. A Complete Pi-actical Instructor in the art of Eancing,containing all tlie lashionablo and approved Dances,directions for calling the Figures, etc. ByEMinu Dn AVai.den,Teacher of Dancing. This book gives m- Btructiouui Deportment,Rudiments aud Positions,Bows and Courtc^cs, Walfics, Minuets,Jigs, Spanish Dances,Pol- Galon, Deux Temps, Danish, Redowa,Vai-sovienuc, Hop, etc.,togethor wiMi all the newest Waltj^es and Ouadrillcs io voguo. Itabo "'o of tho celebrated "Gorman or Cotillion. Bound in boards,cloth back. Trice 50 Ct3- The Game Of Draughts, or Checker.s, Simplified and Ejy panted. ith practical Tia'-ranis nnd Illustrations, together with a Chcckcir-lioard, numbered and printed in red. Containing the Eighteen btaiidnrd Games, witli over 200 of tho best variations, selected from tho various authors,together w'ith many original ones never bclore published. By B. bcATTKiiaocii. Bound iu cloth, with llosihlo covers. Price 50 Ct3, CoBrteney's Dictionary of Ahbreviations; Literary, Scien tific, Commercial, Ecclesiastical, Military,E'aval, Legal and Medical. A hook of reference—3,000 ahbreviations—for the solution of allliterary mys teries. By EmvARD S. C. ConnTENEv,Esq. This is a verv useful hook. Everybody should got a copy. Price ' ......12 cts. Howto Detect Adulteration in Our Daily Food and Drink. A complete analysis of the frauds and deceptions practised upon articles of consumption, by storekeepers and manulacturers; with full dirocli.. I to detect genuine from spurious, by simple and inexpensive moans. Trice 12 ciA Blunders in Behavior Corrected. A Concise Code of De- portmcntfor both sexes. Price 12cts« "It will polisli and rotino either sex,and is Chejierficld superseded."-' Bom'- Compcnioi:. five Himdred French Phrases. Adapted for those who iUipiro to speak and write French correctly. Price..,. aZ

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