1876 Bar-Tender's Guide by Jerry Thomas
14. Claret Punch.
(Uso lai^o barglaaa.)
1^ table-spoonful ofsugar. 1 slice oflemon. 2or3do.orange.
Fill the tumbler -with shaved ice, and then pour in your claret, shake well, and ornament with berries in season. Place a straw in the glass. To make a quantity of claret punch,see "Imperial Punch"No.41.
15. Sauterne Punch.
^Uflo largo bar glass.)
The same as cla; punch, using Sauterne instead of claret.
If Port "Wine Punch.
(Uselargo barglass.)
The same a' claret punch, using port wine instead of claret,and o- .ament vrith berries in season.
17. Vanilla Punch,
(Use Iirgo b«r glass.)
1 table-spoonful ofsugar, I wine-glass of brandy. Thejuice of ofa lemon.
Fill the tumbler with shaved ice, shake well, ornament ■with one or two slices of lemon, and flavor ■with a few Irops of vanilla extract. This is a delicious drink, and should be imbibed through a glass tube or straw.
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