1876 Bar-Tender's Guide by Jerry Thomas



89. Brandy Julep. (trse lnrg6 barglass.)

Tli0 brandy julep is made'witb the same ingredients as '.he mintjulep, omitting the fancy fixings.

90. G-in Julep.

(TJao large barglass.)

The gin julep is made with the same ingredients as the mintjulep, omitting the fancy fixings.

91. "Whiskey Julep.

(Uselarge bar glass.)

The whiskey julep is made the same as the mint julep, omitting all fruits and berries.

92. Pineapple Julep. (For a party of five.)

Peel,slice, and cut up a ripe pineapple into a glass bowl, add the juice of two oranges, a gill of raspberry syrup, a gm of maraschino, a gill of old gin, a bottle of sparkling Moselle, and about a pound of pure ice in shaves; mix, ornament with berries in season, and serve in fiat glasses.

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