1876 Bar-Tender's Guide by Jerry Thomas



104. "Wliiakey Cobbler.

(Uro Inrgo bar glass.)

2 wine-glasses of whiskey. 1 tahlespoonful of sugar. 2 or 3 slices of orange. Fill tumbler with ice, and shako well. Imbibe througL a straw.


. The"Cocktail" is a modern invention, and is generally used on fishing and other sporting parties, although some patients insist that it is good in the morning as a tonic. The"Crusta" is an improvement on the"Cocktail,"and is said to have been invented by Safitma, a celebrated Spanish caterer. 106. Bottle Cocktail. To make a splendid bottle of brandy cocktail, use the following ingredients: I brandy. ^ water. 1 i^ony-glass of Bogart's bitters. The author has always used this recipe in comjiounding the above beverage for connoisseurs. Whiskey and gin cocktails, in bottles, may be made by using the above recipe, and substituting those liquors instead of brandy. 3 1 wine-glass of gum syrup. I pony-glass of Cura9oa.

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