1876 Facts About Sherry by Henry Vizetelly
VIII.—Some Othee Jeeez Bodegas. Tlie Establisliment of Seuor Jlisa, Conde do Bayona,its Array of Bodegas and jMonumental Tower—Its more remarkable Soleras—Garvey and Co.'s Monster Bodegja—Their Soleras bf ChoiceAmontillados—The Old Brown SheiTy ofthe Prinee of Wales—Youtliful and Matured Montilla AVines The Ancient Jerez House of Haurie—Its Blended Wines, Amontillados, and Olorosos—Don Diego de Agreda's Choice Soleras— His Mam-esque House and Handsome Garden—Seuor Julian Peniartiu's Amontillados, Vinos de Paste, and Jerezano Wines—^The A'encrable Soleras of Seuor Jose Pemartin—Mr. R. Davies's Bodega—His San Ducarand Madeira Vineyards—His Delicate Amontilladosand Fragrant Finos and Manzanillas—Mr. J. C. Gordon's Olorosos, Potent Brown Shen'y,and High-class Finos— Seiior J. J. Vegas's Choice and Robust Rayas Wisdom and Warter's Montilla Finos—Their Einperador and Sweet Pedi-o Jimenez—Mr.R.Ivison's AVines ofthe old Jerezano Tpe—His Mode of Developing the Seville Wines—Webber and Co.'s Finos Mackenzie and Co.'s ManzanUlas,.Amontillados, and Cente narian Olorosos Heyward and AVilson's Finos and Alanzauillas, their Montilla and old Jerezano AVines—Matthiesen and Furlong's Bodegas in the Jesuit Church and Convent—Their Vineyard in the Cnartillos and its Fino AA'ine—Seuor A'sasi's Finos and Amontillados— Cramp .and Sutor's Fino Soleras and Rare Old AA'ines—The Jerez Almacenistas and the Establishment of Seuor Sanchez Roinate . . 75 Wines of the Bay op Cadiz, Chiclana, and Tebbujena. The Vineyards ofPuerto Peal and Puerto de Santa Maria—A Rival to the Great Sherry Metropolis—Evidences of Decadence—Duff Gordon and Co.s Establishment, Garden Court, and Rare Soleras—The Bodegas of Seuor M. de Mora, Superior Finos, Moscatel, Pedro Jimenez, and Jerezano Wine—Cosens and Co.'s Bodegas and High-class Soleras of Manzanillas, Finos, and Amontillados—The Gonzalez Bodegas in au Abandoned Convent—The Admirable Wines of Seuor Gastelu—The Choice Finos and Amontillados of Mr. J. W.Burdon—Rota,its Vine yards,Market-gardens,and Moorish Remains—InteriorofaRota AVine- producing Establishment—^Mode of Making the Sacramental Tent— Chipiona and its Vineyards—The Road to Chiclana—Chiclanafamous alike for its BuU-fighters and its AVines—Trebujena . . . . 87 X. Wines of the Seville and Moguee Disteicts. Seville and the Gipsy Suburb of Triana—Vineyards on the High Lands near the Gualdalquivir-The House where CortAs died—The Wine-
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