1876 How to Mix Drinks or the Bon-Vivant's Companion 2$50 by Jerry Thomas

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Dick's Society Letter Writer for Ladies. Contnining MORE THAN FIVE HUNDRED entirely Original Letters and Notes, with appropriate answers, on all .«nbjerts and occasions incident to life in Good Society; inchidiug spccilic iiiRtructiouR in all the dctiiils of a woll-writteu letter,and Gener^ Hints for Conducting Polite Correspondence. Edited by"Wm.B.Dick,

The Contents jcmbrace the FOLLCsnKo Stojects:

Notes Soliciting Donations Notes and Leit-nrs Granting or Refusing Donations Letters of Congratulation Letters of Coiuiohncc Answei's to LettersofCo7idolence Uousehotd L€tie7'S and Notes Formsof Household 07'ders Answers to Household Letters Business Letters and Notes Shopping by Mail Fonns of Orders IfisceUa}7eous Business Letters Family Letters Miscellaneous Notes and Letters

lliiits on Le'te.}' WriH ig L'-tters of Iiilroducti-in Answi'r.< to Letters of [ntroiluctimx L<'tie 8 aud Kotc^ ofInvit'.dion Forms of Cards Notes of Fostp07icm^it Letters and Notes Accepting and Declining Jniritations Letters if Apoh'oliciti7ig Favors Notesand Ldtos Of'cring Favors Noil's and Letters Granting or Declin- i7\g Favoi'S

These new and Original Letter.? have been written expressly for this work In an easy and elegant stylo, furnishing excellent models which fulfill all the social,formal and business conditions that occur in the CoiTespondenco of I»a(Uos who move in refined, society. There arc many otherwise highly accomplished ladies who experience oon- siderablo difficulty in inditing a good letter,and frequentlyfind themselvesembarrassed from a want of facility in method of expression and pi-operform; to them tins work is especially adapted,and will afford them valuable aid in rendering the task of cor- respoudenco easy aud light. l'2nio., Cloth, Price ....§1.25* Dick's Mysteries of the Hand; or, Palmistry made Easy. Trims- lated. Abridged and Arranged from the French Works of Dosbarrolles, D'Arpcntigny and Do Para d'Hermes. This book isa concise summary of The elaborate works of tho above-named authorities on Palmistry. Tho various lines and niouuis on the palm of the hand, and the typical formation of the hand and fingers are all clearly explained and illustrated by diagrams. Tho meaning to bo deduced from the greater or less development of ihcse mounts and lines (each of which has its own eigiiification), also from the length,thickness and shape of the thumb and fingers, and from tho mutual bearing they exercise cn each other, is all distinctly explained. Complete facilitv for instant relerence is insured by means of marginal notes by which any pidiit of detail may be found nud consulted at a glance. By means of this book the hitherto occult mystery of Palmistry is made simple and easy, nud the whole Art may be acquu-ed without difficulty or delay. It is cmphati- caliy Palmistrv in a nutsheU, and by its use, character aud disposition can be dis cerned and probable future destiny foretold with sui^prising accuracy. Hluuiinated papercover 50 CtS. Dick'.s Hand-Book of Whist. Containing Pole's and Clay's Enlf.s for playinK tho moilcni scientiflG K.mie; tho Chili Ihilos of Whist, and two intoiwling Doiiblo Dnmiiiv Problonis. This is .1 thoroiit'h treatise on tho pamo of Whist, taken from"Tho American Hoyle"which is the standard authority. It covers all tho points and intricacies which arise in tho game; including tho acknowliHlgcd code of etiquctto ohsorved by the players, with Drayson's remarks on Trumps, tiu-ir use and abuse, aud all the modern methods of signalling betweou partners. Price 25 Cts.

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