1876 How to Mix Drinks or the Bon-Vivant's Companion 2$50 by Jerry Thomas

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AMATEUR THEATRICALS. All the plays in thefollowing excellent hooks are especially designedfor Amateur performance. The mujoriiy of them are in one act and one scene, and may be represented in any moderate-sized parlor, without much preparation of costume or scenery. Catalogue, with number and sex ofperformers in each, furnished on application. Kavanaueli's Humorous Dramasfor Scliool Exhibitions and Private Theatricals. Thcso excellent Dramas are all original,and were written expressly for Scliool and Parlor Performance. Paper covers 30 cts. Bound in boards 60 Cts! Alice in Wonderland,and other Pairy Playsfor Children. Consist- ing of Four Juvenile Dramas,tlie first of wliich isa faithful Dramatic Version of Mr, Lewis Carroll's well-known "Alice in "Wonderland"; and all combining,in the hap piest manner, light comedy, hurle.sque and extravaganza. By Kate Froiligrath- Kroekcr. These plays are written in a styleof quaintchildish simplicity,butenibody a brilliant vein of witand bumor. The music of all the songs introduced is given, thus rendering each drama complete in all respects. Paper cover 30 ctS Bound in boards 50 Cta' Earmby's Musical Plays for Young People. Suitable for Private Theatricals. Tbeso Plays are in Burlesque style and entirely in Ehymo; they are irrcsistably Comical in expression,and elegant in construction. Each Play includes the Vocal Score and Piano Accompaniment to all Songs,Duets and Choruses intro duced, making it complete in itself, both in text and music. 201 pages. . Paper covers 30 ctS Bound in boards i50ct3' Parlor Theatricals; or Winter Evenings'Entertainment. Contain" ing Acting Proverbs, Di*amatic Charades, Drawing-Room Pantomimes, a Musical Burlesque and an amusing Farce, with iustructions for Amateurs. Illustrated with engravings. Paper covers .3Q cts. Bound in boards, with cloth back 5O ctS. Howard's Book of Drawing-Room Theatricals. A collection of twenty short and amusing plays. Some of the plays are adapted for performers of oneses only. ISO pages, paper covers 30 QtS. Bound in boards, with cloth back 50 cts! Hudson'sPrivate Theatricals. A collectionoffourteen humorous plaj's. Four of these plays are adapted for performance by males only,and three are for females. 180 Pages, paper covers 30 ctS. Bound in boards,with cloth back 5Q Nugent's Burlesque and Musical Acting Charades. Containing ten Charades, allIn diilerent styles, two of which are easy and effective Comic Parlor Operas, with Music and Piano-forte Accompaniments. 176 pages. Paper covers 30 cts. Bound in boards,with cloth|back -.50 ctS. Frost's Dramatic Proverbs and Charades, Containing eleven Pro verbs and fifteen Charades,some of which are for Dramatic Performance,and others arranged for Tableaux Vivants. 176 pages, paper covers 30 ctS. Bound in boards, with cloth backs 50cts-* Erost's Parlor Acting Charades. These twelve excellent and original Charades are arranged as short parlor Comedies and Farces,full of brilliant repartee and amiifling situations. 182 pages,paper covers 30cts. Illuminated boards 50 ctS. Frost's Book of Tableaux and Shadow Pantomimes. A collection of Tableaux Vivants anrl Shadrw,Pantomimes,with stage instructions for Costuming, Grouping,elo. ISO pages, paper covers SOctS. Bound iu boards, with clo:h back 50 ctS. Frost's Amateur Theatricals. A collection of eight original plays; all short,amusing and new. 180 pages,paper covers 80 ct8« Bound in boards, with cloth back 50 cti«

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