1876 How to Mix Drinks or the Bon-Vivant's Companion 2$50 by Jerry Thomas


2 wine glasses of maraschino. 2 do. do. Cura9oa.

Fill the tranquil howl Avith ripe strawberries. Should the strawberry season be over, or under,add a few drop? of extract of peach or vanilla.

41. Imperial Puncli.

1 bottle of claret. 1 do. soda-Avater. 4 table-spoonfuls of poAvdered white sugar.

I teaspoonful of grated nutmeg. 1 liqueur glass of maraschino. Abouti lb. of ice. 3 or 4 slices of cucumber rind. Put all the ingredients into a bowl or pitcher and mix welL • 42. Tliirty-Second Regiment or Yictoria Ptincli.

(For a party oftwenty.)

(Eedpe f.oin the'.ate Wm.H.Herbert,E»q.)

6 lemons,in slices. ^ gallon of brandy. ^ do. Jamaica rum. 1 lb. of white sugar. 1a quart of water. 1 pint of'boiling mUk.

Steep the lemons for twenty-four hours in the brandy fcjtl rum; add the sugar, water and mUk,and when well mixed, strain through a jelly-bag. 'lluj punch may be bottled, and used afterward hot or cold. Half Ae above quantity, or even less, may be made,as this recqvi is for a parly ol twenty.

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