1876 How to Mix Drinks or the Bon-Vivant's Companion 2$50 by Jerry Thomas



99. Champagne Cobbler.

(One bottle ofwine to fonr largo bar glasses,)

I tahle-spoonful ofsugar. 1 piece each oforange and lemon peel

Fill the tumbler one-third full with shaved ice, and fill balance with wine, ornament in a tasty manner with ber ries in season. This beverage should be sipped through B straw.

100. Catawba Cobbler.

(TJso largo bar glass.) 1 tea.spoonful of sugar dissolved in one table-spoonful oi rater. 2 wineglasses of wine. FiU tumbler with shaved ice, and ornament with sliced orange and berries in season. Place a straw as described in the sherry cobbler. (Use largo bar glass.) This drink is made the same way as the Catawba cob bler, using Hock wine instead of Catawba. 102. Claret Cobbler. (Uso largo bar glass.) This drink is made the same way as the Catawba cob> bier, using claret wine instead of Catawba. 103. Sauteme Cobbler, (Use large bar glass.) The same as Catawba cobbler,using Sauteme instead of Catawba. 101. Hock Cobbler,

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