1876 Jerry Thoma's Bar-Tender's Guide or How to Mix Drinks (Soft Cover)



275 . SYRUP S , T I NCTURE S , &c .

Ths following preparations consist of ingredients used in the preceding recipes for making Prepared Punches:

2 7 6 . P l a i n Sy r u p .

Take 61/2pounds loaf sugar. 1/2 gallon water. The white of 1 egg. Boil until dissolved, and filter through flannel.

277. Gum S y r u p .

Take 14 pounds loaf sugar. 1 gallon water. Boil together for five minutes, and add water to make up to 2 gallons.

278. L emo n Sy r up .

Take 5 gallons gum syrup. 4 ounces tartaric acid. 1 do. oil of lemon. 1 pint alcohol.

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