1876 Jerry Thoma's Bar-Tender's Guide or How to Mix Drinks (Soft Cover)



2 gallons Bourbon whiskey. 1 do. raspberry syrup. 7 do. water.

Scald the almonds and peel them, then mash them, and rub them well with the plain syrup and spices. Boil the whole for about five minutes in the water, and when cool, strain through a plain flannel filter. Then add the whiskey and raspberry syrup, mixing all together thorĀ­ oughly.

257 . Ki r s chwa s s e r Pu n c h .

Take 7 gallons plain syrup. 1 1/2 do. lemon juice. 5 do. kirschwasser.

Mix them thoroughly and strain through canton flannel. Instead of the lemon juice,1/2a pint of essence of lemon may be used, prepared according to receipt No. 279.

258 . Manha t t an Mi l k Pu n c h .

Take 7 lemons. 7 oranges.

1 pint spirits (70 per cent). 3 do. rum.

3 do. brandy. 2 quarts milk. 3 do. water. 1 do. gum syrup. 1 nutmeg, grated.

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