1876 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks by Jerry Thomas

Popular Books Sent FreB ofPostage at the Prices Annoxad. The French Wine and Liqnor Manufacturer. A Practical Guide and Eecoipt Hook for tlio Liquor J^rercliant. Hoing a clear and con^ prohensivo Treatise oii tho ^Jiinufacturo and Imitntiou of Hrandy, Kum, G-in and Whisky, nntli Practical Observations and Pules for the Manip fucturo and Managoraoot of oil kinds of Wine, by Mixing,HoDing and For* mentation, as practiced in Luropo; including complete instrnctions for , Manufacturing Champagne "SVine, and tho most approved methods for making s raricty of Cordials, Liquors, Punch, Lsseuces, Hitters and Syrups,together with a number ofHecipesfor Pining. Flavoring,Filtering and Coloring AYlnes and Liquors, and instructions for Pestoring and.Keep- ing Ale and Cider. Also containing tho latest improvements for Manu facturing Vinegar by tho Quick Method. To which is added n collection of Descriptive Articles on Alcohol,Distillation, Maceration and tho use oftho Hydrometer: with Tables, Comparative Scale, and 14 important Kules for Purchasing,Ecducing and liaising tho Strength of Alcohol, etc. Illus trated with descriptivo diagrams and engravings. Adapted forthe TTsoand Information of tho Tsndo in tho United States and Canada. Hy John Hack,Practical"U'in^and Liquor Monufuoturcr. Bound in cloth....$3.00 Bartender's Guide. Containing Eecipea for Mixing American, English, French, German,'Italian, Spanish and Kussian Drinks—such as Juleps,Punches, Cobblers, Slings, Cocktails, etc. By Jcny Thomas, Into Bartender at the Metropolitan Hotel,Kow York, nuu Planter'sHcusc,St. Louis. To whicliis appended a Manual for tho Manufacture of Cordials, Liquors, Fancy Syrups, etc., containing Hecipes after the most approved methods now used in the DIstiilatiou of Liquors and Heveragcs, designed for the Buecial use of Manufacturers and Dealers in Wines and Spirits, Grocers, Tavern-kcopers andPrivate Families—tho same being adapted to tho trade oftho United States and Canada. Tho wliole work containing" over 700 valuable recipe.'', A largo book, boundin cloth $2,50 The Independent Liqnorist; or, The Art ofManrJacturing all Muds of Syrups,Bitters, Cordials, Chajnpagne, 'Wines, Lager Beer, AleJ?orter,Beer, Pnnclies, Tinctures, Extracts, Brandy, Gin, Essences,Flavorings, Colorings, Sauces, Catsups, Pickles,Preserves, etc. By B. Monzert, Prncticnl Liquorist Dnil Chemist. Every Drupgist, Grocer, Bestaurant, Uotcl-kecpor, I'lirmer, Eruit Eealer, tViuo llcrchant, Bhould have a copy ofthis -n-ork. It gives the most approved methods, and a true desoription oftUemauncr in whicli our most popular beverages aro prepared,in such plain termsthat the mostinexperienced person canmann- iaetnre a« -n-ell astho pr.aotical man, without tho aid of any exponsivo np- paratns. ISmo, cloth S3,00 The Bordeaux Wine and Liquor Dealer's Guide. A Treatiso on the Manufacture ofFrench Wines and Liquors, with full directions to tho Liquor Dealer how to manage hisLiquors, Wines,etc., etc. A book of great valueto eyciy person who dealsin Foreign and American Spirituous Liquora^ orForemn wines, Cordials, etc. 'It tells csactlv hoAv all kinds of them are made. The directions arc simple and easily understood. It also 'tells how to make allkindsof AJes,Porter and other fermented liquor, how to manage Cider,etc. 12mo,cloth $2,56 Lacour ontheManufacture ofLiquors,Winesand Cordials, "Withoutthe aid ofDistillation. Also, the Manufacture ofElFervcseing Bovernges and Syrups, Vinegar and Bitters. Prepared and arranged ex pressly tor tho Trade. By Pierre Lacour. Bv the use of this book evoiy man can make all kinds ofliquors, wines, cordials and vinegar and Ryruna at home,without the use ofany apparatus of any kind. The work is hy the Fronch chemist,Lacour,ofBordeaux. Wo would advise all who aro con cerned in tho liquor business to gettho work. Bound in cloth $2.50

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