1876 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks by Jerry Thomas



jITKI' julep.



The julep is peculiarly an American beverage and m the Southern states is more popular than any other. It was introduced into England by Captain Marryatt, where it is now quite a favorite. The gallant captam seems o have had a penchantfor the nectareous drink,and F^W'sh- ed the recipe in his work on Ammaca. We give it in hia own words; "I must descant a little upon the mintjulep, as it is, with the thermometer at 100°,one ofthe most d^ lio-htful and insinuating potations that ever was invented, and may bo drunk with equal satisfaction when the ther mometer is as low as 10°. There are many varieties,such as those comnosed of clarot, Madeira, &c.; but the ingre-

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