1876 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks by Jerry Thomas




145. Rum Flip. ■—WWchDibdin has immortalized as the favorite heveraga of sailors (although "we helieve they seldom indulge in it) —IS made hy adding a gill of rum to the heer, or suh- stitutmg rum and water, when malt liquor cannot he pro cured. The essential in "flips" of all sorts is, to pro- duce the smoothness hy repeated pom-ing hack and for ward between two vessels, and heating up the eggs wellin the fli-st mstance; the sweetening and spices accordino- to taste. ° 146. Rum Flip. (Another method.) Keep grated ginger and nutmeg with a little fine dried lemon peel, rubbed together in a mortar. To make a quart of flip Put the ale on the fire to warm, and heat up three or four eggs with four ounces of moist migar a teaspoonful of grated nutmeg or ginger, and a ^ of good old rum or brandy. When the ale is near t hoil put It mto one pitcher, and ine rum and eggs, _&c., mto another; turn it from one pitcher to another till It IS as smooth as cream.

147. Ale Flip.

•f L ^ L ^ ^ saucepan one quart of ale, and let It hod; ha.^ ready the whites of two eggs and the yolks oui, well beaten up separately; add them hy degrees

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