1876 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks by Jerry Thomas

74: QUINCE LIQUEUK. witli clarified syrui-), shake it'well with the sj^irit, and let it remain for three days. Ponr a teacupful of the liqueur into a mortar, and beat up a drachm of powdered alum, and an equal quantity of carbonate of potash; pour this, when well mixed,into the bottle, shake it well, and in a week you wiU find the Curagoa. perfectly transparent, and equal in flavor to that importedfrom Malines,or any othei place in the universe. 189. Italian Lemonade. Pare and press two dozenlemons;pour thejuice on tho peels, and let it remain on them aU night; in the morning add two pounds of loaf-sugar, a quart ofgood sheri-y, and three quarts of boiling water, hlix well, add a quart oi boiling milk, and strain it through ajeUy-bag till clear.

190. Quince Liqueur.

2 quarts of quince juice. 4 do. Cognac brandy. 24 lbs. of white sugar. 12 ounces of bitter almonds,iruised. 1 lb. of coriander-seeds. 36 cloves.

Grate a sufficient number of quinces to make 2 quarts of juice, and squeeze them through a jelly-bag. Mix the ingredients aU together, and put them in a demijohn, and 'ehake them well every day for ten days. Then strain the liquid through a jelly-bag till it is perfectly clear, and Dottle for use. This is a delightful liqueur, and can be relied upon, as it is from a recipe in the possession of a lady who is famous for concocting delicious potations.

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