1876 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks by Jerry Thomas




223. Lemonade.

(Daelarge bar glaae.)

The juice ofhalfa lemon. table-spoonful ofsugar. 2 or three pieces of orange. 1 table-spoonful ofraspberry or strawberry syrup. Fill the tumbler one-half full with shaved ice,the bal ance with water; dash with port wine,and ornamentwith fruits in season.

223. Plain Lemonade.

(From a roclpe hjthecelebratedSoyer.)

Cut in very thin slices 3 lemons, put them in a basm, add half a pound of sugar, either white or brown; bruise all together, add a gallon of water, and stir well. It is then ready.

224. Iiemonade.

(Finefor parties,)

The rind of2lemons. Juice of3 large do. I lb. ofloaf-sugar. 1 quart of boiling water. Rub some ofthe sugar, in lumps, on two of the lemons

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