1876 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks by Jerry Thomas



1 pint tinctui'e orange peel. 3 ounces do. allspice. 2 dessert-spoonfuls tincture of'cloves. Mix the tinctures thoroughly with the whiskey,and then add the syrup.

264. BrandyPunch.

Take 5 gallons strong brandy. 3 do. plain syrup,

i pint tincture of lemon peel. 1 do. do. orange peel. 3 ounces do. allspice, wineglassful tincture of cloves. Miv the tinctures with the Brandy,and add the syrup.

265. St. Domingo Punch.

Take10 gallons arrack.

Q do. plain syrup. 2 ounces tartaiic acid.

10 drops oil of cloves. 10 do. do. lernon. 5 do. do. orange. 5 do. do. cinnamon. 2 ounces alcohol(95 per cent.)

First dissolve the taitaric acid in a portion of the an-ack, and add it to the remainder. Next cut the oils ia the alcohol add this to the an-ftck, and lastly add the syrup.


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