1876 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks by Jerry Thomas



17. The Crack. Boil tlie syrup a very little more, dip the finger into the sugar, and it" upon taking it out,the sugar adhering to,the finger breaks with a slight noise, and will not stick to the teeth when bitten, the"Crack" has been produced. Now boil the syrup up again, dip the finger into the cold water, then into the syrup, and as quickly into the water again. It the sugar breaks short and brittle upon doing this, it is the"Great Crack." You cannot be too careful when the boiling syrup is at this degree, because it rapidly jxisses to what is termed the "Caramel." Be quick and cautious, as an additional stir of the fire, or one minute's delay, may cause the syrup to be scorched beyond cure. 18. The Caramel, lYhen the sugar has been boiled to the'" Craclc," as just stated, it quickly changes to the ne.vt degree. The syrup rapidly loses its whiteness, and begins to be slightly color ed. You must now add to the syrup a few drops oflemon acid or juice, to prevent its graining. A little vinegar or a few drops of i)yroligneous acid, will produce the desired effect. Dropping the acid in is termed greasing it. Having given the syrup another slight boil, so as to assume a yel low color, take the pan from the fire and place it in a dish of cold water, two or three inches deep. This will prevent burning; a circumstance most to be feared in this process. Unless care be used, it would soon turn from yellow to brown,.and then to black. Especially be careful not to use too much .acid or lemon-juice, for this will spoil the syriij), and probably produce the very graining you are trying to avoid. A small piece of butter put into the pan will pre-

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