1876 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks by Jerry Thomas

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AUyn's Ritual of Freemasonry. Containing a complete Key to the following Degrees: Degreeof Entered Apprentice; Degree of Fcl- low Craft; De.irree of iM.'istcr Mason: JJofrrcc of Mark Master; Degree of Master; Degree t)f Exccllont Master; Degree of Koynl Arcli; Koyol uireh Clinpter: Degree of Koyal Master; Degree of Select blaster; Doarco of Sapcr-Dxcellnnt Master; Degree of Ark and Dove; Degree of Ivniglita orConstantiiiojiJc; Degree ofSecret ^Monitor; Degree of Heroine of Jen- clw): Degree ofKiuirots of Tlireo Kings: ^lediterrancan Dass: Order of Knights of tlie Ded ('ross; Order <»f Kniglits Teninlar and Knights of 2vlMlt!i; Knights of the Christian "Mark, ajid Gnartls of the Conclave; Ki.ights oftlie Holy Sepulcliro; Tlie Holy and Thriee Illustrious Order of the Cross; ISceret Master; Perfect j\Iaster; Intimate Secretarv; Provost nnd Judge; Intendnnt of tho Duilding-s, or i\Inslor in Israel; Elected Knights of Kino; Elected Grand Jvlaster; Siihlinic Kniahts Elected; Grmid Mti.ster Archiicct; Knights of tlic K'inth Arch; Grand Elect. Pcr- Icct and Subliino ilnson. Illustrated vUh 38 copper-jdnto engravings; to which is added, a Key to the Phi Beta Kappa. Grungeand Odd Fellows So cieties. By Aveiy AUyu,K.K.O.K.T.K.m;., etc. 12mo,cloth. .§5.00 Lester's"Look to the East." (Webb "Work.) A Ritual of the First Three Degrees of Masonry. Containing the complete work of the Entered Apprentieo, Fellow Craft nnd Jilr stcr Mason's Degrees and their Ceremonies. Lectures, etc. Edited hy Pnlpli P. Lester. This completo' and bejiniiliil P()elvet Manual of tlic Tir.^t Three Degrees of Masoni'y,is printed in (?lcar, legible type, and pot ohsenred by any attempts at cvpheror' other perplexing coutrnctions. It dilFers entirely from all other 3aamialg,| irorn tne fact tJint it contains neitlier the passwords, grips, nor any cthcr| purely c.soteric matter, with whieh Masiins.and Masonsonly,are necessarily] entirely familiar. It aiTords. therefore, a thorougli and valuable guiclc to] Die regular'• work"in tho above degrees, divested of everytliiiig that anyl member ofthe Fraternity would object to sec in print, or hesitate lo carry ill his pocket. It gives the eorreet,routinc of Opcninq and Closing the Lodge in each l)''qrcc. Calling Offand calling On. Calling the Lodge Up and Down, The Entire Ccrcmonic.'i of Tnitiating, Ea.Hsing and liaising Candidates. \ The Lcctnres all Ititually and Mon- xtorially Coinpletc. * . 2*50 Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor; or, Guide to the ZAwri Tork Rite, Entered Aprentice, FeU t^w t^i njt andJfaster 2Ia.ioii. And to tlio Dcgroca of Marl; Mns cr, Pust Jlastc^llost Excellent Muster, and tho Eoyiil Arch. Bj- Mnlcom C.Dun- can. Exnl lined and Interpreted by copious Xotes nnd numerous Engrav ings. Itis not80 much tho design of the anlhor to gratifv the cnriositv of the uniniti.nted,as tofurnish a Guido to tho Younger l^IeinbcrH ofthe Order l)y means of which their progi-ess from grade to grade may bo facilitated^ Y''ith ttie aid of this invaluable Masonic Companion, niiv mason can in a .short time, become r^iialified to tako the Chair as Master of a Lodge. Xothing is omitted in It that may tend to impart a full iinderstnndin"-'of the principles of Masonry. Tiiis is a valuable book for tho Fraternity con- tniiung, nsit does, iho Modern" "\York"of tho order, is'o Mason iimnld he withoutIt. Bound in cloth $'-*50 Leather tucks(pocket-book style), with gilt edges * 3*00 gander's Exuose of Odd-FellowsMu. Containing all the Lee- tnres complete, *" ' * - - . ^ - _ or Oovcnnnt Dn.wre; ad, or Eoynl Bluo Degree; 4rii."or'Ecmembranee De- gree; 5tli, or Scurlet DegrCB gg^ Bound in cloth go nO Eeuihcr tucks(pocket-book style), gilt edges Lodge; togetlier giving all tlie v

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