1876 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks by Jerry Thomas

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And harmless hut effectual methods of removing Siqicrjluous Hair aval other blemishes, icith ijiterestiny in- formaiion on these and kindred matters.

25 cts. Hilljrove's Ball-Eoom Guide and Complete Dancing- Containini a plain treatise on Etiquette aiul"Deportracut at Bmls and Pui'tics,tvitli valuable hints on Dress and tho Toilet,together with Full Fu Explanations of the Jludixncnts, JiveU, Bound, Plain and Fancy Terms, Fiyurcs and Stcj^s used in Dancing; of every dance, nnd tho nraouut of music required for each. Illnstratod with 176 descriptive eiijATavings. Dy T.llillgrove, Professor ofDancing. Bound in cloth, with gilt side and back Si.00 Bound iu boards,with cloth back 75 eto. The Banjo, and How to Play it. Contamiiig,in addition to the elomentary studies, a choice collection ofPolkns."Wnltfccs, Solos. Schot- tisches. Songs, Hornpipes. Jigs, Heels, etc.. wiili full explanations of both the"Banb)'" aiul "Guitar"stybs of execution, and designed to impart a complete Knowledge ofiho art of playing tho Banjo practically, without tho aid of a teacher. This work is an-angcd on tho jn'ogressive system,show ing tho learner how to pliy tlm first few notes of a tune, then tlio ne.vt notes, and so on, a Bmall portbm at a time,until lie has mastered tho ontli'O piece, every detail being as clearly and thoroughly explained as if ho liad a teacher at his elbow all tho time. By Fj-nnk is."Converse, author of liio "Banjo without a Master." 16mo, boimd in boards, cloth back..60 els, Eow's national "Wages Tables. Sho-wing at a glance the amount of wages from half an hour to sixty hours, at from^Sl to$37 per week. Also from one-quarter of a day to four weeks, at fI to $37 per week. Bt JCclsou How. By this book, which is particularly useful when part of a week,day or houris lost,a largo pay-roll can bo made out in a lew miuutos, thu.s saving more lime in making out one pay-roll than the cost of the book. Eveiw cmpleyor hiring help by the hour, day or week, and every employee, should obtain one, as it will enable iiim to know exactly the amount of money he is entitled toon pay-day. Half bound 50 cts. Row's Complete Fractional Ready-Reck9ner. For buying nnd selling any kind ofmcrchaudiso. giving the fractiqnnl parts of n pound, vord etc.,from one-quarter to one tliousanil. at any price from one-quarter ofacentto live dollars. ByNclsonllow. 3Umo,SJJ pnges,boards..60 CtB. Blnndersin Behavior Corrected. A book of Deportment for both Ladies and Gentlemen. By moans ofthis book you can learu the most difflonlt phasesin Etiquette,or bohavior in good cociety, 12 cts. Including Clear and Frecise Instruc tionshow to dance all kindsof Quad- rillcSt ^yo.l^zcs, I'olkaSy licdoivas, Dances, so that any person pxay leai-n them xcithout tlw aid of a Teacher; To which is added easy directions how to call out the Figures

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