1876 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks by Jerry Thomas

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Day's Book-Keeping Without a Master. Containing the Ru- dimcnts of Book-keeping in Single and Double Entry,together with the proper Formsand Kulesloropening aud keepingcondensed und generalBook Accounts. This work is printed in a bcauiil'urseript type, and hence eoni- bines the advantages of a iiaiidaome style of writing with its very simpleand easily undei*stood lessons in Bouk-keeinng. Tne several pages have Ci- plaiiations iit tlic bottom to assistthe learner, in small type. jKS a pattern for opcningbook aceoauts itis especially valuable—particularlyforthose who ore not well postctl in the art. Day's BuuK-Kicui'iNa is liie size of a regular quarto Account Book, and is made to lie hut open fur conveuicneo in use CLS« Blank Books for Day's Eook-Keeping. Wo havo for ealo Books of9'i pac^es each, ruled according to the patterns mentioned on pngo 3of Day's Booit-Ivmifixr., siiitaijlo for praetiue oftliu leanier, viz.; Xo. 1— rorticMorai Book-keeping, pa^'cs 4 and .3; fur Cash Aecoimt on page 13; for IJav-Book in Single Biitrv, pages 15 to 25. Bo. 2—for Condensed Ao- counts" pa^-cs '.I and 10; for Ciisli Account, page ri; for Jourmd in Boultio Bniry,'pages 31 to 4;). B'o. 3—I'or J-odgersin Double or Single Jiutry, pages auto 44. JSacli Idumber 50 ctS. How to Learn the Sense of 3,000 French Words in one Hour. This ingenious little book actnnlly accomplishes all that its titlo claims. It is n fact that there aro at least three thousaud words in the French language,forming a large proporiion ofilioso used in ordinary coii- yersatioa, which aro spelled exactly the same as ia English, or become tho same by very slight and easily understood cluuigcs iu their terminaiion. 10- ino,illuminated papor covers 25 Ct3. How to Speak in Public; or,TheArtofExtemporeOratory. A valuable manual for tiioso who desire to become ready oil-hand spcakei'Sj containing clear directions how lo arrange ideas logicnlly and quieklj, in cluding illnstrations. by the analysis of Bpcoohcs delivered by soino of tho greatest orators, cxcmVUfylng the iini)ortancc of correctemphasis,clearness ofartieuhition, and appropriate gesture. I'apcr covers ^5 Ct3. Live and Learn. j^uido for all tbo^o who to epcnk and write correctly; particularly intended as a Book of Rc.fui'once for tho solu tion of ailljculties eonnccteil with Grammar, Comnositlon,Punctuation,&e., &;c., containing cxjimples of l.ouo mistakes of daily oecurreuco in speaking, writing and pronunciation. Cioth, IGmo, 216 jtages 75 Ct3. The Art of Dressings Well. By iliss S.A. Frost. This book ia designed for ladies and gentlemen who desire to make a favorable impres sion ui)on stjciety. Paper 30 CtS. Bpuuti iu boards, cloth back §0 Cts. Thimm'sFrench Self-Tau;^ht. A now systcia, on the most simple principles, for Universal Self-Tnition, with English pronnncintion of every word. By this system the ncqniromcnt of tho French I,nngiingo is rendered less laborious'aud more tborongh tlian by any of the old methods. By Franz Thimm 25 ct3. Thimm's German Self-Taught. Uniform with "French Scif- Taught," and arranged in nccordance with thosame principles ofthorough ness and simplicity. By Franz Thimm 25 Ct3. TMmni's Spanish.Self-Taug'ht. -A- book of self-instruction in the Spanish Language, arranged according lo the smno method as tho "French"and '• German," by tho same author, and uniform with them in size. By Franz Thimm 25 ct3. Thimm'sItalian Self-Taught. Uniform in style and size with the three foregoius books. By BranzThimm .85 cts>

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