1876 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks by Jerry Thomas

Popular Booij coat Proa cf Postaja at tlis Prioea anuexod.

CHECKERS AND CHESS. Spaytli's American Draught Player; or,The Theory end Practice of the Scientific Game of CliGckers. Simplified nud Ufilstratcd with Practical Diaqrrams. Containing upwanls of 1,700 Games and Posi tions, By Henry Spayth. Sixth edition, witli over tlirco hundred CoiTcc- tlons and Improvements. Containing: Tho Standard Laws of the Game Pull instructions—Draught Board Numbered—Names of the Games,aud how formed—Xho"Theory of the Move and its Changes"practicnllv ex plained and illustrated with Dlagmms—Playing TablesforDraimhtClubs- New Systems of nnmlwrin!r tho Board—Prefixing signs to tho Variatioua— Liist ofDraught Treatises and Publications chrouolo^cally arranged. Bound in clotli, gilt sido and back §3.00 Spayth's Game of Draughts. By nemy Spayth. This hook IS designed as a supplement to tho authors first "work,"The American Draugiit Player"; but it is complete in itself. It contains lucid instructions for beginners,hiws of tho game, diagrams, tho score of games,togeilier ^vilh tj4 novel,instructive and iugcuious *'critical positions.^ Cloth, gilt back and sido ' Spayth's Draughte or Checkers for Eegumers. This trca- Tiso was written liy Ilcnry Spayth,tho cclcbrntcd player, and is by far tho mostcomplete and instructiveelementary workoii Draughtsever published. It is profusely illustrated with diagrams of ingenious stratagems,curious positions and perplexiug problems,and coiitaius a great vai-icty ofinterest ing and instructive Games, progi'essivcly arranged aud clearly cxplaineil with notes,so thattholearner may easily comprehend them, "^ith the aid ofthis jilaniiid a beginner may soon become a proficient in the game. Cloth, gilt Bide 75 Seattergoqd's feme of Draughts, or Checkers, Simplified andEicplainea. with practicalDiagrams and Hlnstrations,togetherwith a CiU'ck'-'-Botiiil. numbDrca and printed l]i red. Contniniug the Uiebtccn Standard Games, ■uitii over GOO of the best variations, selected fi^mvai'ious authors, with somo never before published. By D. Seattergood. Bound in cloth, with llcxlblo covers Maraclie's Manual of Chess. Containing a description ®f the Board and Pieces, Chess Notation, Technical Terms, with diagrams illus- trating tliem, Laws of tho Game, Eelat'ivo Valno of Pieces. Prelimiii—y Games for Beginners, Fifty Openings of Games, giving till the latest dis coveries of Modern Masters, witli tlie best games and oonions notes, Twcntj Findings of Games, sliowing easiest ways of effooting Checlanato, Tliirlv- six ingenions Diagram Problems, and siitectt carious Chess Stratagems, being one of the best Books for Begitmcrs ever pnbiishcd. By If. ilarache, Jiouud in boards, cloth back 50 gfg' Bound in cloth, gilt side ctg." ( DICK & FITZG-EBALD, Publishers, Box S9T5. BTEW TORKi.

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