1876 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks by Jerry Thomas

Popular BookssentFree ofPostage atthe Prices annexed. AMATEUR THEATRICALS. ' All the plays in the following excellent hoohs are especially de signedfor Amateur pcrfonnancc. The majority ofthem arcin one act and one scene,and may^ be represented in any moderate- sizedparlor, without muchpireparaiion of costume or scenery. Burton's Amateur Actor. A complete guide to Private Theat ricals; giving piaiii ilircctions for iiiTungiiig,(Iccointiiig and lighting tho Stage; -n-ith rules and HUggestiona for inonhting, rehearsing and perform ing nil hinds of Piaj-a, Parlor Pautoinimea and Shadow Pantomimes. Illus trated with numerousengravings,amiincluding a selection oforiginalPlays, with Prologues,Ppilogues, etc. IGmo,illnmiuutcd paper cover 30 cts. Bound in boards, with cloth back 50 CtS, Amateurs. Illustrated with cngrn._-„. ^ Bound in boards, cloth bach CIS. Howard's Book of Drawinff-Room Theatricals. A collec- tioii oftwelve sliort and amuyiiig plays. Sorao of tho plays aro adapted for performers ofone st^only. images, paper covers 30 Ct3. jJouudiii boards, with cloth back 50 Cts. Hudson's Private Theatricals. A collection offourteen humor- ous plays. Four ofthe.se plays are adapted for performance uy mides onlyi Olid tlircc are for females. ISO pages, paper covers 30 Ct3- lioimd iu boards, with cloth back Cts. Kuffent's Burlesque and Musical Acting Charades. Con- tnming ten Cliaradcs, nil in different styles,two of wliicb are easy and ellco- tivo Comic Parlor Operas, with Music and Piano-forte Aecompanimcuts. 17(1 pages, paper covers 30 CtS. Bound in boards, cloth back 50 cw. Frost's Dramat'c Proverbs and Charades. Contaming elevt^ Prov-crbs andfifteen Charades,some ofwbicb arcfor Driiinatio I'erlormance, and others arranged for Tuhieaux; Vivants. 170 pages,paper covers.30 ctS. Bound iu boards, with cloth back 50 ct3. Frost's Parlor Acting Charades. Thaso twelve excellent and oripinal Charades are arranged as short parlor Comedies and Forcc^ full of brilliant repartee and amusing sltuatioii.s. 182 pages, paper covers..30 ctS. lllummuted boards Ct3. Frost's Book of Tableaux and Shadtm Pantomimes. A coHection of Tableaux Vivants and Shadow Pantomimes, with stage in- Btriictions for Costuming. Grouping, etc. 160 pages, paper covers..30 Cm. Pound iu boards, with cloth back 50 ctB. Frost's Amateur Theatricals. A collection of eight original ])lays; all short, amusing and new. ISO pages, paper covci's cO C-3. Pound in boards, with cloth back CIS. WE WILL SEND A CATALOQUE containing a complete list of al\}he pieces in each of the above boohs, together with the number of male andfemale charaoters in each play,to anyper son VJho will send us their address. Sendfor one. DICK & FITZG-ERALD,Publishers, Box aOT5, WEW YORK.

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