1876 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks by Jerry Thomas

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The Young Debater and Chairman's Assistant. By an ex- Member of the I^biludelphiii Bar. Containing instructions how to Form and Conduct Societies; how to Form Qiid.Cdimnct Clubs and other crfjnn* izcd Associations; Kulcs ofOrder for Die Government oftheirBusincss'nnd Debates; how to Compose liesolutions, Iteports and Petitions; how to Ormnnizo and ilaiiaye Public Meetin;^s, Celebrations, Dinners, Pic-I\ic3 and Conventions; Duties of the President and other Officers of a Club or Society, with Oflicial Forms; Hints on Debate and Public Spenkin{r; X'orms for Constitutions and iiy-Laws. To any one who desiresto bccomo familiar with the duties of an Officer or Comraittce-maii in a Society or Association this work will bo invaluable, as itcontainsthe most minute im BtructioDs in evoiything that pertains to the routineofSociety Business. 152 pago.s, paper covers 30 cts, Bound in boards, with cloth back 50 Cts. How to Conduct a Debate. A Series of Complete Debates, Outlines oJf Debates and Questions for Discussion. In the coraplcto de bates,the questions for discu.ssion ore defined,the debate formally opened, an ai-ray of brilliant argumentsadduced on either side,and the debate closed according to parliamentary usages. The second part consists of questions for debate, with heads of arguments,for and against, given in a comfcnscd form,forthe speakers to enlarge upon to suit their own fancy. In addition to these are a largo collccliou of debatable questions. The authorities to be referred to for information being given at the close of every debate throughout the work. ByPTedcrio Kowton, 232 pages,ICmo. Paper covers 50 Cts, Bound in boards, cloth hack 75 Cts. The Vegetable Garden. Contaming thorough instractions for So\rin^, Planting and Qnltirating nlUdnds ofTcgetablcs,with piain direc tions tor prcpnriiif-, maiuiring and tiilinir the soilto suit cacli plant; includ- inff, also, a summary ofthe work lo be done in a"ycfretnblc Garden duriiift oaeU month ofthe year. This work ciubraces,in acondensed buttlicroiip'hiy practical form, all the information tluit cither an nmatour or a practical cardcncr can rcouiro in connection with thesucccsslulraisingof Vegetables and Herbs Italso gives soparnto directions lor the cultivation of some Bcventy difTercnt Vegetables, including all the varkties of esciUcnts that form the ordinary stockof akitchen garden ortruckfarm. ByJamesHogg. 140 pages, paper covers 30 CtS. > Full cloth 50 Cts. The Amateur Trapper and Trap-Maker's Guide. A com plete and carefully prepared treatise on the art of Trapping, Snaring Hetting. This compreheiisivo Avorlc is embellished with fifty engravedillus trations; and these, together with tiio clear cxjilanntions wliich accompany them, will enable auyboily of moderate compiehension to make and set any ofthetraps described. It also givesthe baits usually employed by the most Buccessful Hunters and Trappers, and exposes their secret methods of attracting and catching auimnls, birds, etc., with scarcely a possibility of failure. Barge Ifimo, paper covers 50 cts. Bound an boards, cloth buck Ctfl. How to Write a Composition. The nsc ofthis excellent hand- book willsave the studentthe many hours oflabortoooften wastedintrying to write a plain composition. It nlfords a perfect skeleton of one hundred and seventeen different subjects, witli their headings or divisions clearly defined, and each heading filled in with the ideas which the subject sug gests; so that allthe writer has to do.in order to ]>rodiice a good composi- tion, is to enlarge on them to suit his taste and inclination. 178 pages, paper covers - 30 ctS, Boimd in boards, cloth back .....50 Ct8«

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