1876 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks by Jerry Thomas
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SutLovingood, Yamsspun by"A Fat'raJ BomDuxn'd Fool." "Warped nnd Wovo for Public Wear, by Georgo W. Harris. Hlastrntcd "vritli eight fiuc full page engravings,from designs by Howard. It would bo ^liicult, wo tluiik, to cram a larger amouut of piuigcnt humor into 300 pages than will bo found in this really funny book. The Proiaco and Ded ication are models of sly simplicitv, and the 524 Sketches which follow aro among tho best specimens of broad burlcs^no to which the genius of tho Indicrous, for which tho Southwest is so distingaished, has yet given birth. 12mo,tinted paper,cloth, gilt edges ..••S1.5J Uccle Josll's TrxmkM of Fun. Containingarich collection of Comical Stories, Cruel ScUs, Keio Conundrums, MirOi-Provoking Side-Splitting Jokes, HumorousPoet' Speeches, ry. Curious Puzzles, Amtising Card Quaint Parodies, Purlcsquc Scr- Tricks,and mons, Astonishing Feats ofParlor-IIagic. This bookis illustrated with nearly 200 funny cngrayings, and contains,in C4 largo octavo double-column pages, atleastthree times as much rcadii.g matter and realfun as any other book ofthe price 15 Ct3» The Strange and WonderM Adventures of Bachelor Butterdy. Showing how his passion for Is'utm-al Historr completely eradicated the tender passion implanted in his breast—also"detailing his Extraordinary Travels,both by sea and land—his Hair-breadth Jilscapes from hro an'd cold—liis being como over by a Widou- with nine small children-—his wonderful Adventures with the l^octor and tho Fiddler,and other Perils ofa most extraordinary natui'O. Tho whole illustrated by about 2U0 eugravings •' 30 ctJ, The Latighahle Adventures of Messrs. Brown, Jones and Bobinson. Showing where they weut,and how they went,what they did, and how they did it. Hero is a book which will make you split your sides laugliing. Itshowstho comical adventuresofthree jolly voun^ gi-ccnhorns, who wont traveling, and got into all mnnuor of scrapes and funny adven tures. Illustrated with nearly 200 thriiUngly-coniic engravings 30 Ct3. The Mishaps and Adventures of Obadiah Oldhuch. This hnmorous and curious book sets forth, with 183 comic drawinjrs,tho mis fortunes wliiah befell ilr. Oldbuck; and also his five unsuccessful attempts to commit stircide—his hair-breadth cscjxpcs from fire, water nnd famiiie his affection for his poor dog,etc. To look over this book will make vou laugh, aud youcau't help it Jack Jolmson's Jokes for the Jolly. A collection of Fnnny Stories, Droll Incidents, Qneer Conceits nni Aiit Itcpartccs. liinstrafinfr tho Droilerics of Border Life in tiio Wc.st. Tankeo Pecnlmrltics, Duleh Blunders, Ih-onoh Snrcnsms, Irish Wit nnd Humor, etc., witli slinrt Ludic rous Narratives - raakins altogether a Mediw ofMirthful Ifcrseis f.r tiio Melancholy that will drive tiwny tho bines,andcanso tho most misanthroiiio mortal to laugh. lilostrated paper covers 25 cto. Snipsiiape and Snickerings of Simon Snodgrass. A colleo. tion of Droll and Lnnghablo Stories, illnstrativo of Irish Drolleries and Blarney, Lndierons Dutch Blunders, Queer Yankee Tricks nnd Dodcrcs, Backwoods lioasting, Hinnors of Horse-trading, Negro Comicnlitics, Per ilous PranksofFiuhting Men,Frenchmen's Queer Mistakes.Scotch Shrewd ness, and other phases ofeccentric ohnraeter, that go to make up a perfect and complete Moillcv of "Wit and Humor. It is also full of funny on'^rav- ings f5 cts.
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