1876 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks by Jerry Thomas

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Day's Book-Keeping Withouta Master. Containing the Ru diments of Book-keeping in Single and Double Entry,together with the proper Formsand Kulesloropening and keepingcondensed and generalBook Accounts. This work is printed iii a hcautifiilscript type, and hence com bines tiic ndvantages of a handsome style of writing with its very simplejmd easily understood lessons in Book-keeping. Tlic several pages liuvo ex planations at tlie bottom to assist the learner, in small type. As a pattern lor ojtening book accountsitis especially valuable—i)artlcuiurlyfor those wlio arc not well posted in tho nrt. Day's Booii-Ki:EriXG is thesize ofa regular quarto Account Book, and is made to lie llat open for convcnicueo in use 50 cu. Blank Books for Lay's Book-Keeping'. Wo havo for solo Books of9(5 pages each, ruled necordiag to tho patterns mentioned on page 3of Day's Book-1Ci:hi'en-g, suitable for practice ofthe learner, viz.: Xo. 1— For General Book-keeping, pages 4 ando; for Cash Account on pagoT3; for Day-Book in Single Entry, pages 15 to Co. Ko. 2—For CondenscTd Ac counts', pages U and 10 ; for Cash Account, page 12; for Journalin Doublo Entry, pages 34 to 43. Xo.3—For Ledgci'sin Doublo or SingleEntry,pages 26 to 44. Each Number 50 Ct3. How to Learn the Sense of 3,000 French Words in one Hour. This ingenious little book actualiv accomplishes ail that its title claims. It is a laet that there nro at least three tliousimd words in tho Erench language,forminga large projtoriioa of ilioso used iu ordinarvcon- Tcrsation, which are spelled exactly tho same as ia English, or bcconio tho eame by very slightand easily understood changes iulhcir termination. 16- mo,illuminated paper covers .25 ct3. How to Speak in Public; or,TheArtofExtemporeOratory, A valuable manualfor those who desire to become ready olf-liaud speakers; containing clear directions how to nxrango ideas logiciilly and quickly, in cluding illustrations, by the analysis of Bpcochos delivered by somo of tho greatest orators,exemplifying the importance of correctemphasis,clearness ofarticulation, and appropriato gesture. Paper covers 26 Cts. Live and Learn. A guido for all tlioso wlio vrhh. to spenk and write con-ectly; particularlv intended as a Book of Bcfcrcnco for the solu tion of dillicnlties eonnectcd with Grammar,Composition.Punctuation,Ac., &.O.. containing esamplos of 1,000 mistakes of daily occurrence in sneaking, wntiugaiid pronuuciation. Cloth, iGmo,216 pa'^es 75 The Art of Lressmg WeU. By iiiss s.1.frost." ''Tbi'sboobis designed for ladies mid gentlemen •n lio dcsii-o to make a favorablo imnres- Bion upon society. Paper covers on ),+•? Bouud ill boards, cloth back ,.' ,'.'1'.,'. " Thimm'sFrench Self-Tanght. A notv system, on tho most simple principles, for Universal Self-Tuition, with English pronnncintion of every word. By this system the acquirement of the French Eangnaoo is rendered less laborious and more thorough than by any of tho old methods. By Franz Thimm 05 Thimm's German Self-Taught. Uniform with "French Self- Xniight.'' and arranged in aoeordance with thesame principles oftlinrongli- ness and simplicity. By Franz Thimm 25 cts. Thimm's Spanish Self-Tanght. A book of self-instruction in the Spanish Lnnpiinge, arranged nceording to tlio Bnino method as the "Freucli" and"German," by the same autlior, and uniform with them in size. By Franz Thimm 25 cts. Thimm'sItalian Self-Taught. Uniform in stylo and size with the three foregoing books. By Franz Thimm 25 Cta

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