1876 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks by Jerry Thomas

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The Biblical Reason Why. A Hand-Book for Biblical Students,and a fraide tc famiiy Seriptnro reading. This •work gives rea.sons fp".nded upon the Bible, and assigned by the most euunent B n and Christian Philosophers,ior the great and all-absoib.ug events recorded in the History of the Bible, the Life ol our Saviour and the Acts ofHis Apostles. LSAMPLE. TF7i)/ t7ie first pafrifjyc.n attain such extreme hmrjcvit}! Whu ions the term of l\f-' ciilcrivard-'! sliortcncit TIVii!/ arc there severat manijcst vario- Honsin namc^s.;acts and dates, he- tween the books ojKingsand Chron- 1CLCS? This volume answers 1,493 .•^nnimi qnestions. Beautifully illns- tratcd. Barge 12iuo, gilt sidi? and back $1.50 The Reaison Why: General Science. A care ful eoUeclioi: of reasons for some thousands of things ■which, though generally known, are imperfectly understood. A boob for the million. This work assigns reasons for the thousand.s or t'nings that daily fall under the eye of the intelligent observer,, and of which he seeks a simple and clear explanation. EXAMPLE. TTTipt develops edcciriciUj in the Why/ to thy voofi oj th i-TOphecies oy J^auih a strong proof of tfic authen- TKrt.ty/ of the whole JSible 9 Wl 'f did onr iSaijtour receive the name •f Jcsns i Whi! did John the Baptist hesitate to administer the ntc of Baptism to Jesus (' THjy dors silver tarnish when exposed This voluuio answers 1,325 similar questions. . 356 pages, bound in clotii, gilt, and embellished with a large mimDer of wood cuts, illustrating tJie various subjects treated ct .,$1.50 Giving The Reason "Why: Natural History. reasons for hundreds of interesting facts in ecrmeotion -with Zoology, and throwing a light upon the pecnliar habits and in- stincts of the various orders of the Animal Kingdom. EXAMPLE. d-mds 7 irii!/ docs dncform round dropsupo7i the leaves ofplants ? to light? Wh}/ do some colors fade, and others darken, when exposed to Viefun/ Why is the sky blue ?

W7|J/ has the linn mirh (t large mane ? IThg dncathe alter, vhcii hunting for .tieh. swim agauut. the stream ? Whg do dogs iiirii around two or three times bi'fore then lie down 1

IVTiy do sporting dogs make what i» termed " a puiut"? Will/ do birds iften rooststpononc leg t ^Vhy do frogs keep their mouths closed while breathing ? Vhg does the wren build several nests, but occupu aaly one ?

yfhy ha ve flat fishes their upper sides dark, and their under sides white? This volume answers about 1,,^00 similar questions. Illustrated, cloth, gilt side and back


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