1876 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks by Jerry Thomas



sary to describe the ra-w materials generally nsed in mace rating and distilling. Such a descrii^tion ■vrould only nn- nccessarily enlarge the work, thereby increasing the price, with but little or no advantage to the reader. A well in formed and practical druggist will at once be able to understand, and proj)erly furnish, the articles contained in each recipe. Ihe first to be described are the ^'■ITanufacturingInstru ments,''' for without these nothing can be effected. The arrangements and preparations of the articles described in this work, do not cor'rmplatc an expensive and costly'ap- paratus, nevertheless tne author recommends that the best materials and most substantial instruments should be pro vided, by reason of their durability, and the certainty of obtaining in its perfection a good iwoduct. The insta-uments deemed indispensable in the process of distilling are as follows first, a furnace; second, two boilers of tinned copper; third, a copper skimmer; fourth, a few filter-bags, filtering-holders, and a percolator • fifth tubs and pails for various uses; sixth, measures fro'm one gallon to that of the smallest; seventh, Aveights and scales; eighth, areometer; ninth, funnels; tenth, alcohol lamps' With tinned dishes for different colors of bottle rvax; eleventh, a cork-press and syphon; trvelfth, casks, demi johns, bottles. Those Avho wish to engage in this business on a large scale, would do well to purchase a brass mortar; one of iron would often change the color of the material'; one of stone IS required for the preparation of sjTup of oro-eat. Bieves must also bo provided for separating the coarse pow dered materials from the fine, and a large knife for cutting and preparing roots, etc., etc., for the powdered state Necessary There should always be on hand, weU clarified white and brown sugar syrups, put up

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