1876 The Bar-Tenders' Guide or How to Mix all kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks by Jerry Thomas



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be provlclecl as many pails as there are filterers in use ;^oi cacli pail there must be apportioned half of a sheet of blot- ting paper, prepared as follows: rub each piece of paper in your hands until it becomes smooth and pliant, as near to cloth as possible; then place it in the pail with a little water, constantly beating it and rubbing it together witb the hands until it comes to the consistency of a soft or pulpy matter; afterward more water should be added, continuing the process of beating up the pulpy substance similar to the usual mode of beating up eggs; the pail must then befilled,and the contents tlu'own into thefilterer. When the rvater has run through,fill up again so as to keep the filterer full, aud when the water runs clem' let the ■whole of the water pass through, and the bag is prepared to filter. Place a fiv-egallou demijohn under the filteror, ■with funnel, fill another demijohn with the liquor to be

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