1878 American and other drinks
Peel one lemon; add to it some white powdered sugar; pour over one glass of sherry; then add a bottle of Bordeaux, and sweeten to taste. One bottle ofsoda-water, and nutmeg if you like it. For Cup, strain and ice it well; for Mull,heat it and serve it hot.
A bottle of Moselle; half a pint of sherry; the peel ofa lemon not too much,so as to have the flavour predominate; two table- spoonfuls of sugar, and a sprig of Verbena. All must be well mixed,and then strained and iced. 147CHAMPAGNE,HOCK,or CHABLISCUP. Dissolve four or five lumps of sugar in a quarter of a pint of boiling water, with a little very thin lemon peel; let it stand a quarter of an hour; add one bottle of the above wines and a sprig of Verbena; a small glass of sherry; half a pint of water. Mix well and let it stand half an hour. Strain and ice it well. 148 CIDER NECTAR, (a la Ritchie.) One quart of cider; one bottle of soda water; one glass of sherry; one wine glass of brandy; juice of halfa lemon; peel of a quarter of a lemon; sugar and nutmeg to taste; a spring of Ver bena. Flavour it to taste with pine-apple. Strain and ice it all well. This is a very delicious beverage.
Peel half of a medium-sized cucumber, and put it into a silver cup, with four ounces of powdered sugar, a little nutmeg,and a bottle of claret. When the sugar is thoroughly dissolved, pour in a bottle of soda-water, and it is fit for use.
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