1879 Drinks and how to make them by Yeatman & Co

No. 23—Mr. Micawber’s “ Magnet.’’ “Adversity’s sweet rnilk, philosophy, thee .”—Borneo and Juliet, iii. 3. Ini o a tumbler put a teaspoonful or more of C Bitters, a wineglassful of Jamaica rum, and millc, which may be sweetened, if preferred. lent nourishing drink for early birds, going bathing. No. 24,—The Pickwick Constitutional.” “ Give me an egg, nuncle, and I’l crowns.—What two crowns shall they be?—why I have cut the egg i’ the middle, and eat the two crowns of the egg .” —King Lear, Beat the yolk of two eggs well in a basin ; —first, one pint of boiled milk, w sugar dissolved in it, and then one pint of w a tablespoonful of Calisayine Bitters claret glasses. A nourishing stimulant, day of fatigne, and just as good after a day o No. 25.—Egg Nog.—Newman N ” Nonpariel.” “That’s meat and drink to me now. ”—Merry of Windsor, i. i. Yolk of three eggs, four ounces sugar, beat well together ; add Jamaica rum, with a tablespoonful mixed in either and a wine-glass of Made


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