1879 Facts About Champagne and Other Sparkling Wines

Contents .

I'.l.OE– Paintiugs-i\fodnrne Clicquot's Re1rn is anee Hou e and its Pieturesqu Bas-relicfs- The Werl6 Vineyard and \ eudn ngeoirs- M. Louis Ro - derer's Estnblislnueut- Heidsieck and Co. and their Famou "Mono– pole" Brand-The Fi1·m :Founded in the L nst Century-Their rnrious Estnblishmeuts Inside nnd Outside Reim -The i\fotured Wines hipped ~~~ ~ VII.-T HE R E111rs E sTADLISH J.IE)I TS (contin·necl) . The Firm of G. H . l\Iumm nnd Co.-Their Lnrge Shipments to the United States-Their Establishments in the Rue A.ndrieux: and t he Rue Coquebert- Bottle-Washinn- wi th Glass Bends-The Cuvee aucl the Tirage-G. H. Mumm and Co.'s Vendangcoirs at Vcrzeuay– Their Vm·ious Wines-The Gate of i\fars-The Estnbli h1i1ent of 1\L Gustave Gibert on the Site · of t he htLtc!ln des A.rcbeveques- His Cellars in the Vaults of St. P eter's A.bhey and benenth the old H8tel des Fermes in the P lace Royale- Louis XV. and J ean Baptiste Colbert -M. Gibert's "\Yines-Julcs l\fomm and Co., and Ruinnrt pore et fils -House of the Musicians-The Connts de la l\farck-The Broth r- hood of Minstrels of Reims- Estnblishment of Pcrinet et fils-Their Cellars of Three Stories in Solid l\Insoury-Their Soft, Light, and Delicate Wines- A. Rare Still Vcrzcnay- i\I. Duchit.el-Ohaus's E tab– lishment and Renaissance H ouse- Eis Cellars in the Com· St. Jacques and Outside the Porte Dien-Lumierc . 74 . VIIL-THE REI MS E sTAn L rsmrnNTS (continiiecl). M. Ernest Irroy's Cellars, Vineyards, aud Vemlnngeoirs- Recognit ion by the Reims Agricultural A.ssociatiou of his P laut!ltions of Vines-His "\Vines nnd their,Popnlarity at the best London Clubs-Messrs. Binet fils anil Co.'s Establishmcnt-vViues Sold by t he Firm to Shippers– Their Cell:irs-S!lmplcs of F ine Still Ay nm! Bonzy-Their Still Sillery, Vintage 1857, !lnd their Cre!lmin g Vin Brut, Vintage 1865-The Offices nnd Cellars of Messrs. Charles I<'arre aud Co.-Test ing the Wine before Bottling-A. Promenndc bet1Yecu Bottles in Piles and Rncks-Repute in which these ·wines are held in E nglund and on the Continent--Th e New Est!lblishment of Fisse, Thirion, and Co. in the Place de Betheny -Its Construction ex:clusively in Stone, Brick, and Iron-The Vast Celliers of Two Stories-Bottling t he Wine by the Aid of Machinery -The Cool and Lofty Cellars-Ingenious Method of Securing the Corks, rendering the Uncorking exceedingly simple-The vVines Shipped by the Firm . 86" IX.-THE REil\IS EsTABLISHl\:IENTS (concluclecl). La Prison de Bonne Sem!line-l\fary Queen 0£ Scots at Reims- Messrs. Pommery and Greno's Offices-A. Fine Collection of F!l'ience-The Rue des A.nglais a former Refuge of English C:ttholics-Rem!lins of the Old University of Reims-A.ncient Roman Tower and Curious Grotto -'fhe handsome Castellated Pommery Establishment-The Spacious Cellier !lnd Huge Ca.rved Cuvee 'fuu-The Descent to the Cellars-

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