1879 Facts About Champagne and Other Sparkling Wines



Their Great Extent-These Lofty Subterranean Chambers Orig inally Qmu-ries-Ancient Places of Refuge of t l1e Early Christians and the Protestants- l\fadame Pommery's Splendid Cuvce of ! SGS-Messrs. de St. Marceaux and Co.'s New Establishment in the Avenue de Sillery -Its Garden-Court and Circular Shaft--_.\nim::ited Scene in t he L arge Packing Hall-Lowering Bottled Wine to the Cell::irs-Great Depth ::incl Extent of these Cellars- Messrs. de St. l\iar ceaux and Co.'s Various Wines !)3


.Early Records of the Moet F::imily at Reims and Epernay-J ean Remi :Moet Founder of the Commerce in Champagne Win'!s-Extracbs from the Old Account -Books of t he Moets-First Sales of Sparkling Wines - Sales to E ngland in 178S-" Milords" Farnham and :E'indlater-Jeau Remi Moet receives the Emperor Napoleon, J osephine, and t he King of Westphalia-The Firm of Moet and Chandou Constituted-Their Establishment in t he Rue du Commerce-Delivering and Washing t he NewBottles-The umerous Vineyards and Vcndangeoirs of the F irm - Making the Cuvec in Vats of 12,000 Gallons-The Bot tling of the Wine by 200 Hands- A H undred Thousand Bottles Completed Daily- 20,000 Francs' worth'. of Broken Glass in Two Years-A Subterranean City, with miles of Streets, Cross Roads, Open Spaces, Tramways, and Stations-The Ancient E nt rance to t hese Vaults-Tablet Comme– m'orative of t he Visit of Napoleon !.-Millions of Bottles of Cham– pagne in P iles and Racks-The Original Vaults known as Siheria– Scene in the P acking Hall-Messrs. Moet and Chrmdon's L arge and Complete Staff- Provision for Illness and Old Age- Annual Fete Given by the Firm-Their Famous " Star" Brand-1\1. P errier-Jouet, the lucky Grandson of a little Epernay Grocer-His Offices and Cellars– His Wine Cln.ssed accordin g to its Deserts- Messrs. Roussillon and Co.'s Establishment--'fhe Recognition accorded to their Wines-Their Stock of Old Vintages-The Extensive Establishmeut of Messrs. Pol Roger and Co.-Thei.r Large Stock of the Fine 1874 Vintage-Prepara– t ions for the Ti.rage-Their Vast F ireproof Cellier and its Admirable Temperature- Their Lofty and Capacious Cellars of Two Stories , 101 "The Establishment of Deutz and Geldermann- Drawing off t he Cuvee– Mode of Excavating Cellars in the Champagne-The F irm's New Cellars, Vineyards, and Vendangeoir -The old ChiLt eau of Ay and its Terraced Garden- The Gambling Propensities of Balthazar Constance Dange-Dorqay, a former Owner of t he ChiLteau-The Picturesque Situation and Aspect of Messrs. Ayala's Establishment-A Promenade t hrough their Cellars- M. Dummy's Cellars and Wines-His new Model Construction-The House Founded in 1Sl 4-Messrs. Bollinger's E stablishment -Their Vineyard of La Grange-The Ti.rage in Progress - The .Fine Cellars of the Firm- Messrs. Pfnngst freres and Co.'s Cellars-Their Dry Champagnes of 1S68, ' 70, '72, ancl '74-The Old Church of Ay and its Decorations of Grapes and Vineleaves- The XI.- CHAJUP.A.GNE E s TA.BL rnrr111ENTS AT AY A.ND MAREUIL .

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