1879 Facts About Champagne and Other Sparkling Wines

Conte its.

PAGE. Vendnngeoir of Henri QuRtre- The Montebcllo E :;tablishmcnt nt :illforeuil-The Ch:ltc:rn ~ mierly the Property of t he Dukes of Orleans -A Titled Champa,,.ne F i.rm-Thc Brilliant Career of l\forshal Lanncs -A P romenade t hroun-h t he :\Ioutebcllo Establi hment-The Pr s" House, t he Cuv6c Vat, tho Packing-Room, the Oftlces, and tbo Cellars -Portrnits and Relics nt t he Chiltenu- The Establishment of l3ruch– Foucher and Co.-Thc hnndsomc Cn1Ted Gignut ic Cuvec 'l'un-1'h Ccllnrs nucl their Lofty Shafts-The Wines of the Firm . . 117 Avizc the Centre of the Whi te Grape D istrict-I ts Situatiou and Aspect - The E stablishment of Giesler and Co.-The Tiragc nud t he Cuv ·c– Vin Brut in Ilncks and on 'l'ablcs- Tho Packing-Hull, the Exten ivc Cellars, and the Disgorging Cellicr- Bottlo Stores and Bo tlc-Wasbiuo– Machines- Messrs. Giesler's Wiuc-Pres es nt Avize and Vcndano-coi~ at Bouzy-Their Viucynrds and their Purclrnscs of Grapes-Reputa– tion of the Giesler Brnud-Thc E stablishmcutoflU. Charles de Cn.znuove -A 'r amc Young Boar-Bonr-Huntiug in t he Clmm!1ngue- M. de Cazanove's Commodious Cellnrs nnd Carefully-Selected Wiues- Vine– y[trcls Owned by Him nnd His Family- Reputat iou of his Wines in Paris nncl their Growing Popularity in Eughud-Interesting Vie"· from 1\1. tie Cazanove's Terraced Gnrden- The Vintaging of the White Grapes in t he Champngne-Bopcr frercs' Establishment at Rilly-la– Montagnc- Thcir Ccllri.rs P enetrated by Il.oots of Trees- Some Snmplcs of Fine Old Champagnes- The Principal Chlllons E stnblishmeuts- Poem on Champagne by M. Amaury de Caznuove 12() The Sparkling Wines of the Loire ofteu palmed off as Champagnes-The Finer qunlitics Improve with .Age- Aujou the Cmdle of the Plautagcnct Kiuo-s-Snumur and its Dominating F eudal Chiltenn and Antique H6t~l deVille-Its Sinister Rue des P[tyeus and Steep Tortuous Grnncle Rue-The. Vineyards of the Coteuu of Suumur-Abaucloned Sto11e Quarries conver ted into Dwellings-The Vintage in Progress- Old· fash ioned Pressoirs- The Making of the Wine- The Vouvray Vine– yanls- Bnlzac's Picture of Ln Vallee Coquette- The Village of Vouvray aud the Chiltenu of Moucontour-Vernou with its Reminis– cences of Sully [tnd P epiu-le-Bref-The Vineyards around S[tumur– Remarkable Ancient Dolmeus- Ackermnu-Laurance's Establishment at Saiut-Floreut--Their Extensive Cellars, Ancient and Modcrn– 'freatment of the Newly-Vintaged Wine- 'fhe Cuvee- Proportious of Wine from Blnck ltnd White Grapes-The Bottling and Disgorging- of the Wine and F inishing Operntious-The Chltteau of Varraius and the E stnblishment of M. Louis Duvau nine- His Cellm·s a succession of Gloomy Gnlleries-The Disgorging of the Wine accomplished in n Melodramatic-looking Cave- M. lJuvnu's Vineyard-His Sparkling Saumur of Various .Ages- Marked Superiority of the more Matured Samples-1\f. Alfred Ronsteaux's Establishments at Saint-Florent and Saint.Cyr-His convenient Celliers and extensive Cellars- Mingling of XII.-CHA.MP.A.GNE E sT.A.BLISHMENTs .A.T AVIzE A.ND RILLY. XIII.- SP.A.RKLING S.A.UMUR A.ND SP.A.RKLING SAUTERNES.

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