1879 Facts About Champagne and Other Sparkling Wines

Contents .

!-AGE. -of Sparkling Hocks nnd l\foscllcs-Difference between them and Mous– sirender Rheiuwein-\ iutnging of Blnck and \\ hite Grape for pnrk- ling Wine-The Treatment which Gcrmnn pnrkling Wines Und ro-o– Artificinl Flnvouring nnd P c1·£uming of Sparklin"" Moselles-t' ine Natural Bouquet of High- Class Spnrkli ng Hocks-Impetus a irnn to the Manufacture of Germnn Sparkling ' Vines during the Franco– Germau Wnr-Anuunl Production-Deinh:i.rd and Co.'s Splendid New Cellars at Coblenz-The Firm's Collection of Choice Rhine and Mo- selle Wines-Their Trade in German parkling Wines-Their ow·ces of Supply- The ·vintngiug :rnd After-'l'rcntrn nt of t heir Wine - Clmrncteristics of t heir Sparkling Hocks and Moselles 172 XVII.__'..THE SPARKLING WINES OF GERM.A.NY (continued). From Coblcnz to Riidesheim-Ewnld nncl Co.'s E stnblil;hment and its Pleasant Situation-Their F ine Vaulted Cell[lrSand Convenient Acces– sories- Their Supplies of Wine drnwn from the most favoured Locali– ties-The Celebrated Vineynrcls of the Rheingau-Eltvillc and the extensive Establishment of Matheus 1\'lliller-His Va t Stocks of Still and Spm·kling German Wines-The Vineyards laid under contribution for the latter-M. Muller's Sparkling J ohimnisberge.r, Champagne, ancl Reel Sparkling Assm:mnshauser-The Site of Gutenberg's Birthplace at Mayeuce occupied by the Offices a.ncl Wine-cellars of Lauteren Sohn– The Sparkling Wine Establishment of the Firm aucl t heir F ine Collec– tion of Hocks and Moselles-Tbe Hochhcim Sparkling Wine Associa– tion- Foundation of the Establishment-Its Superior Sparkling Hocks and Moselles-The Sparkling 'Vine Establishments of Stock and Sous at Creuznach in the Nahe VaJley, of Kessler aucl Co. at Esslingen, on the Neclmr, and of l\L Oppmann a.t Wiirzburg- Thc Historic Cell::i.rs of the Kin g of Bavaria bcncflth the R esidenz-'.J.' be Establishment of F. A. Siligmi.iller 183 XVIII.-THE SPARKLING WINES OF AusTRo-HuNG.A.RY, SWITZERLAND, ITALY, SPAIN, Russr.A., &c. Sparkling Voslauer-The Sparkling 'Vine l\Innufnctorics of Gra z-Estnb– lishment of Kleinoscheg Brothers-Vintnging and Treatment of Styria.n Champagnes- Spnrkling Red, Rose, nncl White ' Vines of Hun– gary-The Establishment of Hubert and Hnbcrmann at Pressburg– Sparkling W"ines of Croatia, G[llicia, Bohcmin, l\Iomvin, Dalma.tia, the •ryrol, Trnnsylvnnin, and the Ba.nat- Ncuch:ltel Chnmpng·ne- Spark– liug \Vine Factories nt Vevay and Sion-The Ycvay Vineyards– ]~stablishment of De Ricdmatten nnd De Quny- Sparkling Muscatel, l\falrnscy, Braehetto, Castngnolo, and Laerymn Christi of Italy– Sparkling 'Vines of Spain, Greece, Algeria, and Russi[l- The l\rirnski and Donski Champagnes-The Latter Chiefly Con. umed at t he Great Russian Fairs UJ6


Earliest .Effor ts at 'Vine-1\Iaking in .AmeriC[l- Fnilurcs to .Aeelimntise European Vines-Wines JI/Incle by the Swiss Set tlers and the Missiou

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