1879 Facts About Champagne and Other Sparkling Wines

2 CHAI'. V.-The Wines of Jerez-The different Varieties-Blending Sherry fo1~ Shipment-The Bodegas of Cosens and Co. at Jerez and Pu01·to de Santa. Maria. CHAP. VI.-The Cru·efol Rearing the finer J erez Wines Undergo and the Great Age they Attain-The Assumed Unwl10lesomeness of Sher ry-Highly– coloured Statements put forward-Sci entific investigation of the so-called Plastering of Wines in France-Gypsum admitted to be Innocuous. t::HA.P. VII.-The Bodegas in the olu Moorish quarter of J erez-The extensive· establil;hments of Gonzalez, Byass and Co.-Seiior Domecq·s Bodegas aucl famed Napolnon Wine-The Bodegas of Vergara, Robertson, and Co. visited by Ferdinand VII. CHAP. VIII.-The establishment of Seiior Mis:i., Conde de Ilayona, and · its Monumental Tower- Garvey and Co.'s Monster Bodega-The Prince of· Wales's Old Brown Sherry-The Ancient Jerez House of Haurie-Don Diego de Agredu's Mauresque House, Huudsorne Garden, and Choice Soleras-The Bodegas and Wines of Sefiores Julin,n n,nd J ose Pemartin– l'ifr. R. Davies' Bodega and his San Lurar and Madeira. Vineyards- T hc– Bodegas and Soleras of Seiior J. J. Vegas, 1\'lr. J. C. Gordon, Messrs. Wisdom and Warter, Mr. R. I vison, Messrs. Webber and Co., Mack enzie· and Co., Heyward and Wilson, Matthiesen and Furlong, Scfior Ysassi, and Messrs. Cramp and Suter-The J erez Almaccnistas n,nd the Establishment of Scfi.or Sanchez Romate. CIIAP. IX.-·The Yincyanls and Bodega


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