1880 American & Other Drinks by Leo Engel (second edition)


large punch-bowl, then place in the centre of the bowl a large square block ofice, ornamented on top with rock candy,loafsugar, sliced lemons or oranges,and fruits in season. This is a splendid punch for New Year's day.



One wine glass of brandy; five drops of orange Curagoa; one drop of acetic acid ; two tea-spoonfuls of simple syrup; one tea- spoonful of syrup of strawberries; quarter of a pint of water; the peel of a small lemon sliced; mix. Serve up with ice in large goblet, and if possible garnish the top with a slice of apricot or peach. In cold weather this punch is admirable,sen'ed hot.


LIGHT GUARD PUNCH. For a Parly of Tzvenly.

Three bottles of Champagne; one bottle of pale sherry; one bottle of Cognac; one bottle of Sauterne ; one pine-apple, sliced; four lemons, sliced. Sweeten to taste, mix in a punch-bowl,cool with a large lump of ice, and serve immediately.


Half pint of lemon juice; three-quarters of a pound of white sugar; one pint of mixture ;* two and a half pints of cold water. The above isgenerally enonghfor onepersonl111



Two quarts of rj'e whiskey; one pint of Jamaica rum; six lemons, sliced; one pine-apple, sliced; four quarts of water. Sweeten to taste, and ice.

* To make this mixture, take a quarter ofa pint of peach brandy, half a pint of Cognac, and a quarter ofa pint of Jamaica rum.

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