1880 American & Other Drinks by Leo Engel (second edition)



182 KOHINOOR. On the edge of a large tumbler,break anew laid egg,upon which pour a liqueur glass of Benedictine,and a table-spoonful ofraspberry syrup, shake up well with a little ice; having done so, half fill with champagne; balance with soda water, stirring at the same time with a spoon. Strain through a fine sieve, look heavenwards and drink; "result," bliss. 183 MAGNOLIA(a la Simmons). Beat up two new laid eggs; add one liqueur glass of Curacoa, and half a wine glass of old brandy; one table-spoonful of sugar; beat up well, then add a pint bottle of champagne, and mix by pouring from one glass to another until it attain a fleecy and soft appearance, and serve in a glass. This will be found a very nutritious drink, especially when the appetite is bad. GIRARD FLIP. So styled after the famous grotesque dancers of that name,being their favourite beverage when thoroughly exhausted after their terpsichorean eccentricities. In a tumbler place the yolk of an egg, to this add about a tea-spoonful of noyeau; a dash of cay- cnns pepper; a half glass of brandy; a gill of ice. Fill up with new milk,shake well and strain. 184

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