1880 American & Other Drinks by Leo Engel (second edition)




Keep a mixture ready made to hand, thoroughly combined, of the following, in the proportions given:—One-third each of Cura^oa, Noyeau, and Maraschino. When mixing a drink,fill a straw-stem port-wine glass two-thirds full of the above mixture, float the unbroken yolk of a new-laid egg on the surface of the liquor,then build up a kind of pyramid with the whisked white of the same egg on the surface of the latter, dash a few drops of Angostura bitters, and drink as directed. DIRECTIONS FOR TAKING THE KNICKEBEIN. RegistereJ, 1. Pass the glass under the Nostrils and Inhale the Flavour.— Pause. 2. Hold the glass ferfendicularly, close under your mouth, open it wide,and suck the froth by drawing aDeep Breath.—Pause again. 3. Point the lips and take om-third of the liquid contents remaining in the glass without touching the yolk.—Pause once more. 4. Straighten the body, throw the hectd backward, swallow the contents remaining in the glass all at once, at the same time breaking the yolk in your mouth.

N.B.—All articles requisite in compounding mixed drinks, in the way of shakers or mixers, straws, &c., can be obtained of Messrs. Dows Clark & Co., Comptqq House,Frith Street, Soho.

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